29: And So On

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A/N: #JusticeForAdam2k19

Later, Lafayette swore that he wasn't going to get along with John, that this was all for me and that they simply wouldn't click. Surprising no one, especially not me, that only proved to be true for about a week and a half. He ended up liking John, maybe a little too much. But that's just how Lafayette loves. Like a golden retriever jumping in your lap and slobbering all over your face and leaving golden fur all over your favorite black shirt which is mildly inconvenient but you can't find it in yourself to get mad because he never meant to do any harm. Especially John, who really did try to stay stoic and all business-like but ended up being too soft to resist.

The day after The Meeting (as I've come to mentally refer to it) I invited John to have lunch with us, and my greatest mistake was not taking pictures. Angelica's jaw dropped so low I got slightly concerned about her bone structure, Peggy kept asking if this was all some weird-ass joke, Meade clapped and said something about fanfiction always being right, and Hercules just paused for five seconds before accepting it and resuming the scarf he was knitting. The sisters in particular were wary at first, but like Lafayette and Kitty they ended up taking him in. Now Eliza goes around calling him "her son" and threatening anyone who talks shit. And there certainly was talk on the hallway about The Local Bad Kid finding a crew and apparently being very into dogs and art.

On the subject of dogs, John wasn't able to leave Brutus behind as he finished high school and took him with him. He's still ugly and bald but now he has a nice blue collar. He also got a Betta fish he named Adam Jr in honor of a fish he bought with his mom back in sixth grade named Adam. Of course, dorms don't allow dogs, and whether they accept ten-gallon tanks is up for debate, so he had to get his own apartment which he pays half of the rent for with his part-time job at Petsmart (job which he's probably going to get fired from if he keeps getting into arguments with costumers to keep them from buying "one-foot long plastic hell cages for Hamsters" but hey, he's trying). The other half is paid by his father as part of their agreement. After much insisting from my part and threatening to take away handjob privileges John talked to his father and they came to an agreement: He got to study Zoology as long as he minored in Law "in case he changed his mind" (which we both know he won't, but Henry doesn't need to know that) as well as other minor clauses. John was so static he might have shed a tear or two, though he will swear against it any time someone asks.

The good thing about the apartment is that is a good place for movie night (and, well, other things, but movie night!) which is exactly where we're heading at now. Movie night is a very fucking serious deal.

"Do we have the blankets? The fluffy ones?" I ask for the third time.


"Pajamas for when we inevitably fall asleep?"


"A bowl of normal fucking popcorn since John refuses to buy anything but the sweet one?"

"Yes, Alexandre, we have everything,"


"Nope, on se bouge!"

"Fine, fine!"

We make it to John's and, as usual, we're the last ones there. But like I said, movie night is Very Fucking Important so sue me, I wanna make sure I'm not falling asleep in my skinny jeans. We come in without knocking because what's even the point and before I can even kiss my boyfriend Lafayette is wrapped around him in an asphyxiating hug. I laugh.

"Jean!" Lafayette coos like he suddenly morphed into a grandma.

"Hi, Gil." John laughs faintly, probably having is lungs squished.

I jokingly push Lafayette away. "Move, you fat croissant, I wanna kiss my boyfriend,"

"Hey, Alex," He smiles at me and even after all these months my insides still turn into mush.

"Hey yourself, gumdrop," I say and kiss him loudly on the lips if only to annoy everyone else.

"Y'all nasty, we're here to watch a movie, not the AlexandJohn show!" Kitty says and throws some popcorn at us. John's sickly sweet one.

"Fuck off, KitKat, you're just jealous you don't have a college boyfriend!"

John scrunches his nose. "When you say it like that you make me sound like your sugar daddy,"

"You aren't?" I feign offense and get more popcorn thrown at me.

"Movie, now!" Adrienne calls and I reluctantly sit down besides John.

"What are we watching?" Lafayette asks.

"Remember that really spooky one we saw at the movie theater a few months ago?" Eliza says.

"I never really understood what the hell went on on that movie," John tells me as he snuggles closer.

"Yeah, same," Says Hercules.

"Oh come on, you guys. It's obviously about how mass consumerism is killing American society—"

"Oh fuck off, Alexander! We don't need you giving us that essay again!"

And, okay, maybe I was being a little cynical back then. Because I really do think I got very fucking Lucky.


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