Chapter 4: Warm in my Friendships

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A/N: It might seem like Hamilton is getting into John a little too fast, and you aren't wrong. But that's completely intentional. I see Hamilton as a man who fell in love too quick and out of it just as fast. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, mainly John and Eliza. I think it might have been because neither of them was easy to woo? Anyway, I'm going off a tangent, point is, Hamilton getting into John this fast is completely intentional and this story is still meant to be a slow burn. You can continue reading now!

Recently I figured out John Laurens lives just a few streets away from me, on the most expensive part of the neighborhood. And no, I did not stalk him home. It was actually a coincidence that I bumped into him in my way home. Now, we walk together almost every day after school, I guess I could even sort of consider Laurens a friend. He's not quite an acquaintance anymore after all, and I would even dare to say he's warming up to me. I can tell he's still skeptical, but it's one step closer then we were before.

The closer I get to John, the more I can see the fire within him. And sometimes, I really wouldn't mind being burned by it.

"You see," I say. "The thing about minimum wage is that raising it would be good, great even. But undesirable consequences will happen as a cause of it,"

"Just like everything," Laurens says; I nod.

"Exactly, so it's important to consider if those negative effects are really worth it. I think they would, I mean not only would it benefit the workers but the nation as a whole, economic activity will grow and poverty would be reduced," Laurens hums like he's mostly in agreement but not quite.

"But unemployment rates will grow too, which will cause more poverty," He says. "It would especially affect the poorer areas of the country,"

"But crime rates would go down,"

"Not really,"

"Kind of," Laurens shrugs.

"Bottom line is, some people would benefit from the minimum wage being raised, while to others it would be the contrary. I, for one, am not quite sure it would be worth it. Maybe, but—"

Now, I would've loved to let John finish that sentence. But from the corner of my eye, I see a familiar bald head that I recognize as Aaron Burr. I have a brief moment of panic, I'm conscious that Burr isn't aware of any of my high school affairs and most likely doesn't even know who John Laurens is, but the anxious part of my brain tells me that he could tell Lafayette. If Lafayette knew, that would mean I wouldn't be able to see John Laurens anymore, to speak to him and get to know him better. I'd be grounded for centuries. I can't afford that, not now.

And so, still on that moment of panic, I grab Laurens' wrist and drag him away from the street, our feet tumbling together in the hurry. We end up in the neighborhood's park, more specifically behind a tree. I lean back against it and John asks what the hell did just happen, which is understandable considering it almost seemed like I was kidnapping him, but I stay silent and avoid his glare until I'm sure Aaron Burr is not around anymore.

I release his wrist and sigh.

"What the hell was that?" He asks once again, I turn my face to him and my eyes meet with his. I can not get over how dazzling his eyes look. They're round sport some slight eye bags under them. Most of the time his eyes are hazel, but there are occasions in which they resemble more a kaleidoscope: looking a little amber, sort of green, kind of gray, and anything. I've always been a loyal fan of dark eyes, but for John, I might make an exception.

"I should probably explain myself, right?" John raises a single eyebrow, which gives kind of a comical feel to the situation. "I'm not ashamed of you by any means, John Laurens, really. But I can't let people see us together,"

Laurens doesn't look phased by this, and if he felt anything he did a good job hiding it. "I guessed as much,"

"I saw Aaron, that's my foster brother, just on the corner of the street and this was the first thing that I could come up with. I- sorry for this whole thing," I start picking at my nails. This is why I usually wear nail polish. "You should probably go,"

I expect John Laurens to leave, but I've clearly learnt nothing about him yet because instead he sits down on the grass next to me and takes his phone out. I settle next to him almost hesitantly.

"You're paranoid, Hamilton,"

"I know,"

He grins at me while offering me a headphone. "And you look like you could use some good music,"

I take the headphone.

I put it on and expect it to be a TØP song or something of the sort, but instead, my ears are met with a softer kind of music. I turn to him with a borderline confused expression.

"I didn't know you liked soft rock,"

"I do," He confirms. "There are many things you don't know about me, Hamilton"

I kind of want to lean against him, to press my slim body against his strong arm and enjoy the warmth of his chest. But I don't know how John would react to that. So I settle for scooting closer to him instead, hoping he doesn't find it too weird.

Lady, when you're with me I'm smiling
Give me all your love
Your hands build me up when I'm sinking
Just touch me and my troubles all fade
Lady, from the moment I saw you
Standing all alone
You gave all the love that I needed
So shy, like a child who has grown


"Since when do you listen to this old bands?" Peggy questions me after stealing my headphone.

"I'll have you know I have a very varied music taste and you don't know everything I listen to," She scoffs.

"Most of the time you listen to rap and reggae," I shrug.

"And? That doesn't mean I can't listen to other things,"

Peggy tries to raise a single eyebrow but ends up raising both. She's still working on it. "Whatever you say, knight of the bedroom,"

"Oh my god, Peggy, literally just let that joke go—"

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