Chapter 8: Bubbles

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A/N: I forgot to mention this, but "Doc" in the previous chapter was Neddie.

As John picks the UNO cards and returns them to their little red box (I won, by the way. John's a worthy adversary but a little too impulsive for UNO) I notice he keeps sparing me brief glances. I want to believe it's because he likes me, because he finds me attractive, because... I don't know (or rather, I'd prefer to not admit it for the time being). It doesn't matter either way, because from the look on his eyes can I already tell what he wants, and me isn't the answer. He wants to ask something, which is understandable considering I pretty much crashed at his place without giving an explanation or even a cheap excuse.

"I know you wanna ask," I tell him. He shrugs.

"So what if I did? Would you respond truthfully?"

I put a hand dramatically on my chest. "You doubt my honesty, Laurens?"

He smirks. "A little," John says, almost teasingly. My eyes unintentionally wander down to his Cupid bow lips and I will them to look up again just as quick.

"Well," I sigh and throw myself on John's bed completely, his sheets feeling softer than any other blanket that has ever touched my skin before. "My brother found out I ate the rest of the lucky charms,"

"You're a little shit," He comments. I nod and go on.

"And he got like real angry, we got into this stupid argument and I ended up walking out," I narrate, leaving out the part in which Lafayette wanted to take my phone. "It was just... ridiculous. I don't have time to deal with that shit, y'know,"

"I get that you wanted to cool down, but maybe leaving the house was a little too much. After all, he was already worried as it was," John says and then pauses for a moment. "Though I can't really blame you, I probably would've done the same," He admits, I smile.

"See? You understand me. This is why we're friends," I smile at him as he puts the box of UNO cards back on his bedside table. He throws himself beside me and we both stare at his ceiling. It is painted like a night sky, the type that you can't see here in the city, but have to travel miles into the country to be able to admire. John's art has a weird effect on me, like it speaks directly into my ear, and this ceiling just tells me "melancholy".

"Sometimes..." I start carefully, feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket. It's been like that for a while now, but regardless of how much I love my friends and family, I don't want to deal with that now. I want to imagine it's just me and John under a sky of fake stars. "I feel like you're the only person in this world I don't hate,"

"I know you're definitely one of the few people in this world I don't hate," John says and I move my head toward him. He's already looking at me with those dark hazel eyes of his. They say a thousand words I cannot understand.

We stare at each other for a long time and somehow, it doesn't feel awkward. It feels like we're in a bubble and there's nobody to hate because it's just John and me in this world. And that's okay.

I remain in that bubble until I have to leave.


It is almost midnight by the time I sneak out of John's house and into Stevens'. I push the door open as quietly as I can, and close it on that same manner. I find myself tiptoeing my way to my room and it is at times time this that I wish I could be as stealthy as a cat. Any type of cat, to be honest, from big hunters to lazy companions. They all have a tremendous ability to sneak around and ambush both preys and toys.

Thinking I'm finally safe, I open my door and gently turn on the light. It is exactly how I left it, only that Lafayette is asleep on top of my green covers.

I sigh. "You idiot,"

I make my way to the bed and gently try to shake him awake; he does nothing but twitch a little. He's probably been here for a few hours.

"Gilbert," I say, shaking him a little rougher. "C'mon, wake up,"

Slowly his amber eyes blink open and he stares at my face for a few seconds, though he doesn't seem to notice me at first. He looks tired, like the electricity on his heart was temporality taken out. His big puff of hair is trapped on a messy bun rather than on an elegant ponytail as it usually would, and besides his lip is a kinda gross trail of now dry drool.

"Hammie?" Lafayette asks after a few seconds. I nod and his eyes suddenly open widely. "Alexandre!" He exclaims, like he's just now realizing it's me.

He pulls me down into a tight hug and traps me on his lean muscular arms. I don't resist, but I don't hug back either.

"Are you bien?" He asks on my hair. I give a little nod.

"Yeah, I stayed at a friend's house,"


"Hercules," I immediately lie, sort of having rehearsed this on my way here. Though I thought I wouldn't have to use it until morning.

He nods like I made a smart decision, even though Hercules' house is pretty much a war zone. But Lafayette trusts him anyway. He pulls away but leaves his hands on my shoulders, keeping me close to him. "I am sorry," He says, and I don't physically react. "I may have... overreacted. I just– I know you can take care of yourself, Hammie, but I still cannot help but worry. The— the world is not as kind as you are. I just want you to be happy,"

I raise my eyes to meet his and sigh, I can't really stay mad at him, can I? "I forgive you. And I'm sorry too, for making you worry even more," I say, remembering John's words. "I was being a little shit,"

He smiles. "When are you not being a little shit?"

"Hey!" I gently push him away. "Don't act as if you're not a little shit too!"

"Moi!?" He exclaims like I just accused him of the most blasphemous sin. I nod with an "I'm right and you know it" face.

"Well, perhaps, but you still take the trophy, Hammie," He concludes and we both laugh on an otherwise completely silent house.

The petty fight is officially over. Things are back to where they're meant to be.

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