Chapter 14: The Answer

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A/N: Just a heads up in case it wasn't clear, while there's not gonna be smut on this book (sorry not sorry) the sex will be heavily implied and talked about. My wording is weird but, yeah, you get the idea. I just want to to put that out there in case anyone is uncomfortable with those things and would like to know in advance.

"And she has the most beautiful marrons eyes,"

"Your club leader?"

Lafayette nodded enthusiastically. "Adrienne." He says. "And such a sweet voice,"

"You two seem... close." I say carefully. Lafayette would probably freak if I told him he liked his club leader before he figured it out himself. We were laying on his bed, our sides smushed together as we watching a repeated episode of Arrow, when Lafayette started rambling about the famous Adrienne. I don't blame him. I know that if I could I would burst out talking about my ridiculous crush on John Laurens to anyone that would listen if only that was an option. But it's not. So I let Lafayette have what I don't without complaints.

"Oui, we have truly bonded because of our roots. Did you know we used to live in the same city!?" He yelps and moves his hands around him energetically.

"No, I did not know that," I say. "Sounds like you two were meant to meet,"

My brother smiles dreamily at the comment. "We did, didn't we?"

As Lafayette goes on singing praises about his new lady love, my phone dings on my sweatpants and I immediately know it's my John because of the ringtone. Before I even take it out I'm already biting my lip in attempts to suppress the smile threatening to scape to my cheeks, and after I do I unlock it as discretely as I can and check my messages.

Angie: You doing anything rn?

I smirk. Booty call.

Alexander Hamilton: Not at all, good sir, would you like to make any plans for this evning?

Alexander Hamilton: **evening

Angie: Dont be a tease

Alexander Hamilton: Sorry not sorry gumdrop ;)

Alexander Hamilton: Luckily for you, I happen to be quite free

Angie: Hahaha.

Angie: Get over here you dork

Alexander Hamilton: See ya in a few <3

I grin to myself and then look over to Lafayette. I'm actually not particularly free. I mean, I didn't have it in schedule to watch Arrow with Lafayette but either way, I'm not exactly doing nothing, so I have to come up with something.

"Who was that?" My brother unsurprisingly asks.

"Just Angelica, she wants me to go over and help her do some research for the upcoming English essay and stuff," I say and mentally pat myself on the back for coming up with that on the spot.

He pouts, and I feel bad for a moment. Almost guilty. Almost.

"Hey, how about you call Adrienne and invite her to that French coffee shop you were telling me about?" I suggest.

"You think I should?" He says hesitantly with a subtle blush.

"Of course! You guys can talk and criticize the badly imitated French pastries together,"

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