Chapter 6: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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A/N: Me!? Updating again so soon!? The world must be ending!

I feel like I should be regretting ever offering John to exchange phone numbers, but I don't. In fact, I can't help but wait with excitement the random shit John comes up in the middle of the night.

It is 12:36 a.m and I find myself staring at my phone, reading over and over again the message John just sent.

Angie: Did you know a Blue Whale's tongue can weigh as much as an elephant?

What the fuck.

First of all, that single thought is more unsettling that it might seem. It implies how uselessly small us humans are in this world. And while in here, we are small and elephants are big and blue whales are bigger, blue whales are still insignificantly tiny in comparison to the vast endlessness of this universe. We're nothing but a microscopic cell inside something bigger, so much bigger that our human minds can't even begin to comprehend it.

Second of all, why is John thinking of blue whales in the middle of the night?

I mean, I don't really have the right to judge. I'm literally contemplating the vastness of this universe and how insignificant our existence as humans is right now. But I still can't help but be curious.

I shake my second set of thoughts aside and send John my borderline senseless ravings.

Will he mind?

I don't think he'll enjoy my incoherent midnight thoughts, but it's too late to regret tapping send.

I hope he doesn't mind. I managed to convince him to give me his number, I don't wanna fuck that up n—

Angie: And that's just within /this/ universe. Whatever there is beyond black holes or even other universes, if the multiverse theory is indeed true, is beyond what our brains can formulate. After all, the infinity of space just like the depths of the ocean are not made for human eyes


"Why do you look like you got chased by a bloodthirsty hoard of zombies all night long until the exhaustion and hunger made you fall asleep right there were you stood and the zombies slowly ate every part of your body and soul?"

"That was way too descriptive for a middle schooler. Burr, what the heck are you showing this child?"

"The Walking Dead,"

"Shame on you,"

"You still haven't answered my question," Maria interfered. "You look more sleep deprived than usual,"

Oh, for nothing. I simply spend most of last night contemplating life with John Laurens. In the end, coming to the conclusion that I really like having him in mine, even though I didn't tell him that.

"Couldn't sleep," I vaguely say instead. Immediately, Lafayette gasps.

"Mon Alexandre!" He exclaims. "Are you having nightmares again!?"

"No, it's just insomnia," I say. He still looks worried.

"Are you sûr?"


I can't help but feel guilty about worrying Lafayette, but at the end of the day, he'd only get more worried if he knew I'm speaking with John Laurens. So I guess it's not as bad.


Yeah, I'm good.


Alexander Hamilton: Hey, are you coming?

Alexander Hamilton: I'm on the same spot as always

Alexander Hamilton: Are you gonna stay until late today?

Alexander Hamilton: Hello???

I sigh and sit down on the school's front stairs. I guess John isn't walking with me today. He doesn't always answer my texts, he's one of those people, and it annoys me to no end. I try to not show it but unfortunately, I am prone to wearing my heart on my sleeve on situations such as this one. I've also been told I can be clingy, but I prefer the term caring. Bottom line is, I wish John would text back a little more often. Maybe I am expecting too much from him? After all, he's so private and cautious. But, I don't know. Even after all these weeks, I can't understand John's brain.

What I'd give to get a look at his soul.

Besides me a pair of girls walk by wearing what I call the "gossip face" and I immediately pretend I'm paying more attention to my phone that I actually am.

Okay, so maybe I am a little nosy, but can you blame me? Nothing interesting ever happens in my life anymore, gossip gives me the amusements my daily shenanigans lack.

"Okay, but did you hear what Laurens did now?" One of the girls said. The other one sighed tiredly.

"No. You know I'm not up to date with this sort of shit, Karen,"

"So I heard from Anna—"

"Yeah cause she's reliable"

"—that Laurens punched a guy on the face, you know the tall one from sixth period?"


"Well, that one. He punched him in the face cause he said something about gay people and Laurens got so pissed, girl. Like, he didn't even say anything he just stood up like "wassup bitch" and socked him in the face. It was so dramatic,"

"According to Anna,"

"According to Anna," She agreed. "Why do you think he did it!?"

"The fuck do I know, maybe he's gay?"

"That would explain why he's so weird, lol,"

This wasn't as fun to hear as I initially thought. It's not fair, that John is such an amazing person but because people don't care to see beyond that, this is what he gets. The shitty gossip and no friends. It's not fair, and I hate it.

But, now that I think about it, what does John like? I mean, the thought has briefly crossed my mind before, but I've never really considered it. It's kinda shitty that I'm only questioning this because of some trashy gossip, but as I've said many times before, curiosity is a flaw of mine.

What does John like?

I walked home with that thought in my head.

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