28: I Want You To Know You Could Know Me

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Frenchman #1: Adri i think I Fucked Up  ??????

Frenchwoman #1: Quoi?

Frenchman #1: i kinda yelled at Alexander's Boyfriend ????

Frenchwoman #1: That problematic John guy ??

Frenchwoman #1: U trying ?? yo get urself killed ??

Frenchman #1: its not like i planned This !! i just happened to see him and i got Pissed !! and idk ???

Frenchman #1: shockingly he didnt Beat me up tho,,

Frenchwoman #1: Gasp. Le Plot twist.

Frenchman #1: sksksksks stop this is Serious !!

Frenchwoman #1: umu

Frenchman #1: he did yell at me  which k Maybe i had that coming ,,

Frenchwoman #1: F

Frenchman #1: Adri i actually   feel kinda Bad

Frenchman #1: i mean it isnt even His fault im angry is it???

Frenchman #1: well kinda,,, but not Really,,

Frenchwoman #1: k, and what r u gonna do about it ??


"I literally cannot fucking even right now with this bullshit,"

I did not expect to end this day with Kitty at Sweet Cones angrily eating a large scoop of raspberry ice cream with peanuts (which George still refused to discount) but The World just has a special way of messing up my mood at any given time. I knew I couldn't go home right now. Because at home there's probably Lafayette. And if I see Lafayette right now things are going to get ugly. I knew I couldn't expect him to like John immediately, not everyone sees him like me. They see him as a spoiled brat with anger issues who feels entitled to beat up anyone who glanced at him the wrong way. Which. Okay. He has gotten into a fair share of fights at school. But. John only gets into trouble with those looking for it, he's no bully.

Point is I knew not to expect an immediately warm welcome. But I wasn't exactly expecting Lafayette going full-on Mean Bro Shovel Talk Mode either. And that is way more than I can deal with without busting a vein right now. So I called Kitty instead because as of now she's the only one I can talk with about This.

"That shit's wack, dude." She says wisely.

"Yeah, no shit. I can't believe Gilbert would pull a stunt like that." I grumble into my ice cream.

"You know he's only worried about you getting hurt, right? Jo doesn't exactly have the best reputation,"

"I know, I know! It's just– why can't he give him a chance? You did!"

She shrugs. "I mean, not everyone is just going to jump in to befriend the school's bad boy. Not like you did, at least. I gave John a chance because I trust you."

"And Lafayette doesn't."

"And Lafayette thinks you're too good,"

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