Chapter 25: Another One Bites The Dust

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Alexander Hamilton: You know, this old band of yours isn't at all that bad

Angie: "this old band of yours" jfc alexander Queen is not just some old band

Angie: its /THE/ band

Angie: i should honestly consider breaking up with you just because of this

Alexander Hamilton: You'd never, you like me too much ;)

When the sky cleared out and clouds stopped doing their thing to go back to floating aimlessly, John climbed out of my window but not without one last kiss. I felt ridiculously giddy, so high in affection I couldn't possibly get down. Even after he was gone, we kept talking on his way home about all the little things John likes (like crow's intelligence level) and dislikes (like me bothering him about Queen). And we were okay. We are together.

Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low

Before his next message arrived, my door's handle started moving but not giving out. I forgot I had locked it.

"Alexander?" Called Lafayette from the other side of the door.

"Coming!" I yelled back, putting my phone on silence and under the pillow before heading to open the door.

Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go

"I need help with my date with Adrienne!" He cried the moment I opened the door, waving around frantically a piece of paper that was scribbled all over.

(I almost laughed. Who's next? Neddy asking Lafayette for help on his first date, too?)

"Yeah, sure. Whatcha got there?" I asked as we flopped down on the bed.

"I'm just not sure if I should bring something? It is a first date so it could be too much, right?"

I took the paper and examined Lafayette's mess of a bullet point list. It included flowers, chocolate, "perfume?????", and a doodle of a puppy.

"You wanna get her a dog?"

"What? No! Stuffed animal."


Are you ready, hey.
Are you ready for this?
Are you hangin' on the edge of your seat?

"What if you take her to the arcade beside the movie theater and win her a stuffed animal at the claw machine there? The yellow one, that is, the prizes at the green one suck."

"That's rigged," He deadpanned. "I will physically never win,"

"That's because you don't know my trick," I winked.

"Oh please, do share,"

Out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat


"Go on, tell 'em!"

"Please, Lafayette. Listen to your bother, I'm dying over here!"

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