Chapter Two: Baby Giant

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Elle was starting at the person who she had heard the footsteps off and the person was small compared to the giant woman who was holding her. The person was like a giant baby boy. He had brown hair and brown eyes. The same as the giant woman. Could he be the giant woman son? Thought Elle. They do look alike so, he is definitely the giant woman son. Does that mean she was saved as a food for the giant baby?

Thinking of being eating she starts crying again and that was when she sees the giant woman glaring at the giant baby. "Now you know why I do not want you to meet your sister. She cries when she sees an unknown person." Sister? Elle was confused. Why did the giant woman say she was the sister of the giant baby. She was pretty sure her family did not look like the beautiful giant woman, nor the cute giant baby? So why?

"But, Mom. Look, she not crying anymore. She is looking at me." Pointed the giant baby at Elle.

"Just because she is looking at you, it does not mean she will not cry little on."

While the two giant was having conversations, Elle was thinking about why the giant woman think she is related to the giant baby. She knows she had read books about a person thinking that their parents were giant because they were reincarnated as a baby, but that can't happen to Elle. The story she read was just fictional. Wait, was it? Elle was more confused now.

She keeps thinking then fall asleep before she even finishes thinking.

Elle wakes up to a sun shining in her eyes. She looks around and the giant woman nor the baby was there. She started her thinking again. What are some clue indicating she could have been reincarnated as a baby. First, her vision was blurry for a time. Second, for some unknown reason, she could understand a language she never heard before. Third, she was drinking breast milk. Yeah, she is definitely reincarnated. And the giant woman was her mother, the giant man who she doesn't see often was probably her dad and the baby giant was her big brother. After Elle finishes thinking, she wanted to sleep, but she was also hungry. Maybe, she should cry to let her parents know she was hungry, like most novels.

Elle than take a big deep breath before she started crying really loud. However, this time the person who came in was not the giant woman she had seen before, but a different person. The woman was wearing a maid clothing. From the way the woman dress Elle could guess she was reborn into rich families.

The maid than pick Elle up and put a baby bottle in her mouth, and Elle did not like the tase. The milk taste like rotten vegetables. Elle prefers her mom breast milk. Even if it embarrassing to drink breast milk. This is for her survival. She would die if she keeps drinking the bottle milk.

Elle needs to find a way to tell the maid she did not like the milk. How? She should just cry like she did when she's hungry. Elle started crying and the maid started panicking. Her master and madam were at works, what was she supposed to do. The young lady was crying. She will be in trouble if her masters find out she could not take care of their baby. Leave with no choice the maid try to give the milk to Elle, but she keeps shaking her head, making it hard for the bottle tip to be put in her mouth. After so many try the maid realized the young lady does not like the milk.

The young lady stops crying, but the maid knew she was still hungry. The maid hurriedly called her masters to tell them about the situation and after she was finished, Elle mom and dad rush home, not caring about their work.

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