Chapter Six: Birthday Party

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After turning five years old, Calle was finally been able to see the outside world. She was able to accompany her parents with her brother to go shopping. Only shopping nothing else. That way when her parents told her she was going to a birthday party for the child of her mom friend, she decided to wear the most lovely dress she can find.

"Sweetie, are you ready?" Ask Susan.

"Yes," reply Calla, as she rushes down the stairs in her white dress decorating with flowers.

"Princess, you look beautiful," awe her father the moment he sees her.

Her brother didn't say anything as he just stares at her. Feeling his eyes looking at her, Calla went over to him and ask in a shy voice, "What about you big brother? Do you think I look beautiful?"

Gael was so memorized by his sister beauty that he did not hear what she had asked him. Seeing that her brother was not answering she thought maybe the dress did not suit her. She did pick the dress herself and she doesn't have much fashion sense, so it would make sense why he would think it did not suit her.

Gael only came back to his sense when he sees his sister looking at him with a worried face. Knowing that something was wrong he decided the best choice of avoiding awkward situation was by saying, "It almost time to go, so let go."

"But you haven't answered my question yet," interrupted Calla.

Gael wanted to answer the question, but he doesn't know what it is, so how could he answer. If he asks her what her question is, it might look like he does not love his sister at all. However, until he answers the question, none of them are going anywhere because her sister will not want to go. He knew his sister is selfish when it comes to wanted something. Gael keeps thinking so much that he forgets Calla was looking at him.

She keeps looking at him until she realized he probably did not hear her question and that why he did not answer. "Big brother." Gael looks up. "Do you think I look beautiful in this dress?"

"Yes," quickly answer Gael. He was glad his sister had repeated the question.

"Now that you kids are done, we gotta go. We only have ten minutes left before the birthday party began," said Susan, when she notices the siblings had solved their problem. The siblings rush to their parents' side to get into the car. The person who was driving the car was Uncle George. Calla was surprised to see him since she thought he only works in the house and nowhere else.

The moment the family enters the house where the party was held, every head was turned to look at them. Everyone was looking at them for two reasons, the first was because they were late and the second was because the family looks like a painting, not real people. They were too beautiful, especially the little girl.

Calla could feel the eyes staring at her and it creeps her out. She keeps looking at the people and she feels like they are not looking away from her or her family. She knew they came late, but must they stare at them as if they're aliens. Calla was feeling scared so she glances at her family and she was shocked. Her family looks as if no one was staring at them. They were standing tall and smiling. Calla thought they must be used to the stare. If they have no problem being starts at, then why should she. Calla decided to stand tall while smiling to imitate her mother, father, and brother.

They stand there for a while until a woman wearing a beautiful gray dress decorated with diamonds came up to her mom. The woman rushes to her mom side and hugs her. "I am so glad you could come, Susan."

"Of course, you are my best friends after all." Susan reply with a happy smile. After hugging Susan the woman looks up at Owen and shake his hand, "It an honor to see you again." Next, she looks down at Gael and smile. "Oh, how big you grow. The last time I saw you, you were only two feet." Then she looks down at Calla and with a curious smile. "And who must you be? Your mom never told me about her having a daughter."

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