Chapter 10: School

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It has been months since the incident where Calle tell her parents and brother about who she was. They still treat her the same and she acts as their cute daughter. She loves acting as their cute daughter because it was fun. She never acted cute in her past life because she was so obsessed with finding out what kind of talent she has.

Right now Calla was getting ready to go to Royal Academy, for the elementary section. The Royal Academy has three sections, the elementary, which start from first grade to five grade. The junior high section start from six grads to eight grade and lastly the high school section, which starts at nine grade to twelve grade. After the high school section, the students could either choose to attain a college or stating working. The Royal Academy doesn't have a college section.

Calla was wearing a white shirt with a blue bow and blue skirts that go down to her knee. She was also wearing a white shock and black shoes. She was looking at herself in the mirror while admiring her feature. In her last life, she was the prettiest in her family, but it still cannot be compared to her look right now. She could not stop admiring herself until she heard a knock from the door. Calla look at the door and answer, "Come in."

A maid wearing a traditional french maid outfit came and announced, "Young miss, it is time for school." Calla looks up exciting. She can't wait to go to the school she had always dream of going.

She might hate the story, but she did not hate the way the author describes the school. The author describes it as a place full of enchantment. In the story, it describes how the protagonist and the students would do fun activities every day. Calla can't wait.

Calla runs down the stairs as fast as she can to meet up with her brother and parents. Her brother was wearing a white shirt with a blue pant and gray shoes. Her mom was wearing a purple dress down to her kneel decorating with black flower all around the dress. The dress fit her mother perfectly. Her mom finishes her look with light purple high heel shoes. While her dad was wearing a blue suit and pant, with black shoes.

"Princess," call Owen, when he notices Calla walking down the stairs.

"Sorry for taking so long," apologize, Calla, as she runs down the stairs.

"Don't worried about it, little sis," said Gael, looking up at his sister. Gael stops calling Calla, Beautiful as he got older because he was embarrassed. Calla smile at him.

The family then walk to their family Lambo to drop Calla and Gael at the Royal Academy, while their parent went to work.

The school was big and look like a castle just like Calla image it would be. "Beautiful," she breathed out.

"Isn't it."


"Come, I will show you to your class," Gael called out, grabbing Calla hand and pulling her toward her class.

Her brother leads her to a room with a number 34 at the door. Gael than push opens the door, making the people inside the room turn to look at him. He ignored the stares, instead, he turns to Calla, "This is your classroom. You will be in this class for only a year." Pointing at the classroom. "Anyway, I have to go, but if you need any help you can find me on the second floor, room 12." He than kiss Calla forehead before running off to his own class.

After his brother run off, Calla could tell people were staring at her, she doesn't even need to look at the people to know that they were giving her the dagger stare. She doesn't have time to care about that right now, she needs to muster up the courage to go into the classroom. She just hopes it wasn't like her last life, where people will look at her with disgust and bully her.

Calla turns toward the classroom before finding that every seat has a sticker on them and on each desk, there was a name. She scans the seat before finding her name on a desk next to the window, thankfully, that means that if she gets bore she could just look outside. Another thing to be thankful for was that, the seat was not in the front, nor the back, but in the middle. She like the middle, the place the teacher usually don't look at.

Calla sits down, but the moment her hip touch the chair, a group of the girl came flopping tower her asking question.

"What your relationship with Gael?"

"Who are you?"

"Which family are you from?"

"How did you manage to catch Gale's eyes?"

"Why did he kiss you?"

The question keeps pilling up. Calla just looks at the girls and she had no idea what to said. She was really panicking. The girls also wouldn't let her talk. Wherever she tries to open her mouth, they would just ask her another question.

"Shut up," order a new voice, that sounded familiar to Calla. The girls turn to glare at the person who dares to order them, but they became pale when they realized who the voice belongs to. Afterward, they quickly return to their seat.

After the girl dispatched, Calla turns around to thank the person who saves her but stop when she realized who it was. It was the male lead and his seat was right next to her. She was just staring at him while thinking, could her life get any worse.

"What do you want?" Ask Rory, noticing the stare.

"Nothing," quickly answer Calla.

"Thank stop staring," glare Rory.

"Oh... Uh, I just wanna said thank you," nervously said Calla.

The male lead didn't respond, he just stares at her before turning his eyes toward the front.

Realizing the male lead was not going to say anything, Calla also turns her attention to the front.

After a few minutes, a woman wearing a black and white striped shirt, with red skit and shoes came in. The women walk up to class and order all of them to take their seat and that was when Calla realized she was the teacher.

"Now let start off by introducing yourself. Let start from the front row, next to the window, then we will go to the right," nodded the teacher.

The first student stands up, but instead of introducing herself, she asks, "Before you ask us to introduce yourself, should you introduce yourself first, teacher."

"Oh, mind," said the shocked teacher as if realizing something. "You are correct, how could I forget. Well, then let me introduce myself," the teacher announces. "My name is Amanda Moore, from the Moore family. Now I'm sure you have heard of my family and you can call me Ms. Moore, is that clear?"

"Yes, Ms. Moore," the students answer back.

"Well, then let get started with our first student," said Ms. Moore, nodding at the girl who had pointed out her mistake.

"My name is Daisy Abril and I'm from the royal family. I have not gotta used to the royal family name yet, therefore I used my adopted parent's name. I hope we all can get alone," cheerfully announce Daisy.

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