Chapter 16: After The Movie

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Calla and Gael watch as Daisy and Rory got out of their own car and come towered them. "Hello," greeted Daisy to Calla and Gael while Rory nodded to them. Calla and Gael nodded at both of them as well. They were waiting for a car to pick them up. They had promised to meet in Calla and Gael house, afterward, they would take a car to get to the movie. A car that would not make them stand out. They want to fit in.

Their parents had the offered to book the whole movie place for them, but all of them refused, especially Daisy. She wants the other three to know what it was like to watch a movie with other people other than their family. She had watched with her adopted parents once with all kind of people dn it was fun.

Daisy, Calla, Gael, and Rory got into a car and drove to the movie place. They waited in line.

They got into the movie theater and finish the movie without any trouble.

"That was a great movie," review Gael.

"Yes, but why did it turn into a horror movie," question Calla. She was still confused. The movie was supposed to be about a girl who has the ability to travel through dimensions. She had to fight people who had similar powers to her, but why did the evil organization boss turn out to be a scary looking demon who was summoned by the sacrifices of ten young girls. The movie was more like a horror movie rather than child-friendly.

"That we will never know," shrug Gael.

Gael, Calla, and even Rory turned to look at Daisy because she hadn't said anything after the movie ended. She was usually the talkative one. Daisy was looking at her phone. Her face was pale and she was shaking. She held the phone so tight that it seems like she would crush it any minutes.

Gael, Calla, and Rory walk over to her to look at what she was looking at. They were shocked when they see the message. The message was from the king summoning the princess to get back to the castle. Not just that but the message went on to explain why. It was because Daisy adopted parents were arrested for deceiving the king and kidnapping the princess.

Gael quickly grabs the phone from Daisy's hand and turn it off. He did not want her to see it anymore.

Afterward, they rush to the palace as fast as they can, dragging Daisy along. She did not want to go, she can not believe that her adopted parents would do something like that. It was just a misunderstanding. That right. That must be it. She tried hard to deny it. However, when Daisy went to see them, then did she understand it was not a lie.

They were kept inside an underground dungeon. They were sitting on a chair with a desk in front of them. Daisy approaches them and asks them if they had kidnapped her, they answer her without hesitation. They confessed to working with a man they will not name to kidnapped the princess and brainwashed her into doing whatever they want. Their plan did not go as planning because Calla father had found the princess earlier than expected.

Daisy breaks down crying. Not caring about what she looks like. It was the worst feeling ever. To be betrayed by the people she thought had helped her. She used to be grateful that they had found her. She thought they were her family, but it seems she was wrong.

Gael comfort Daisy. Telling her she still has her blood family and that she still has him, Calla and half of Rory. Not all him. He doesn't seem to care.

Rory was leaning against a wall folding his arm. His fingers were dunging into them. He was angry, not because Daisy was crying and Gael was comforting her. He was angry because Daisy was Calla friends and he knew how important she was to Calla. He did not want her to feel any burden at such a young age. Most important of all he did not want to see Calla crying for Daisy.

Calla was too busy thinking about the story plot line. She was confused because the story is not going as it supposes to be. She knew she had to change something in the storyline, but she was absolutely sure that she did not change anything regarding Daisy adoption parents so why were they being accused of kidnapping the princess. Everything was out of place. She needs to talk to her father about it. If she was not mistaken if what Daisy adopted parents said about brainwashing Daisy is true, then that means in the original story when Daisy was bully by Calla and no one was doing anything, it could all be part of their plan. If that were the case then this love story is darker than it seems.

Calla snaps out of her thinking and went to hug Daisy. "It ok. You still have me, Gale and Rory," smoothen Calla. "No matter what your adopted parents does it had nothing to do with you. You are still our friends."

"Thank you," hiccup Daisy. "I know I have you guys, but I still could not expect the facts. Could you do me a favor and tell the school for me that I will not be going for a while?"

"Of course," answer both Calla and Gael.

Daisy stands up and walks back to her room while crying.

Calla looks at Gael and orders him to go after her. He did.

"Are you ok?" Ask Rory when Daisy and Gael were out of sight.

"Yeah," Daisy answer. She stops for a minute and thinks. Did the male lead just talk to her even though Daisy wasn't here? He usually only talk when Daisy presence. She does not have time to think about that right now, she needs to talk to her father about what been on her mind. In the original novel, it was said that the Acelin family were all killed except for Gael because they were involved in black market trade. The person who testified for all of it to be true was Calla, but why. Her family loves her very much. The author never dives too deep into the story so Calla does not know. That's why she did not like the book. It has too many plot holes. The author only focuses on the cheesy romance between the female lead, the male lead, and the second male lead. Other than that there nothing worth reading. Thinking back she really wanted to strangle the author.

She did not have time to think about the story right now. She needs to find her father and talk to him right now. Call walk towards the stairs that lead to outside quickly, but before she could reach it her hand was grab. She turns around and saw Rory holding her hand.

"Where are you going," he asks. "I promise your brother when he not here I will take care of you." That was a lie. There was no such promise. He just doesn't want her to walk around alone in the castle, even with the bodyguards. He wants to stay with her a little longer.

Call sigh, "Find."

Rory smile. Both of them then walk to Calla father office to talk to him.

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