Chapter 14: First School Event

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"Class, settle down," Radley orders the students. when he came into the classroom. "Today we will be having a field day to celebrate your entering to the school," Radley announced. "The gyms uniform has been prepared for all of you. Now get out of the classroom and change into them. Afterward, go to the field in front of the school. The principal will explain what the activity is?

After he finishes speaking all the students went to get their uniform, change and went to the field. The uniform was very simple. It was a white shirt and blue pants. Both girls and boys wore the same uniform.

"Now, listen up, freshmen," announce the principal into a microphone. "Today is your first day in high school, therefore we decided to do something special for all of you. We decided to do a scavenger hunt."

Upon here that they will be doing a scavenger hunt, the students look at each other and whisper to each other with excitement.

"Quiet down," command the principal. The students' quint down. "We are doing this game so all of you can get familiar with the school," the principal coughs. "The rule is very simple. You will pairs up in four, including upperclassmen. The upperclassmen will help you with finding the place the clue leads you to, but they cannot help in solving the clue. In each place the clue leads you to, there will be another upperclassman that will assign you a task. Once you completed the task, the upperclassmen will give you the next clue. The first group to complete all the task and come back here win." The principal took a deep breath. "Now find your group." After he finishes speaking, the students went and gather in their own group, with the friends they know.

Calla and Daisy were together, but they still need one more person to join their group. If they don't find a person soon, there might be a chance they will be separated into a different group. Daisy was the most worries out of both of them. That why when he saw Rory standing alone on the field, she rushes to him as quickly as she can and ask him to join their group. And he agreed.

Calla really admires Daisy for having the gut to ask the male lead to join their group. Well, she is the heroine after all. Now, they don't have to worried about being separated.

The upperclassmen that were assigned to them was, Gael. When all four of them were gathered together, a teacher came and give them a white envelope. Daisy ocean the envelope and inside was a piece of paper, with words on it. The words were a riddle. "It is a place full of wonders. A place where imagination came alive with every word you've spoken," Daisy read aloud the riddle. She looks up at Rory and Calla. They both have no idea what it was.

"A place where imagination came alive. With every word you've spoken," whisper Calla. She could only think of one place and that was the library. "It might be the library," suggest Calla.

"What makes you think that?" Ask Rory.

"Well, the library is full of books and each book has a story that is made out of people imagination. And when you read the book, it makes you feel like you are in the book world. That what it means by coming alive," excitedly explain Calla to the group.

Rory nodded. "Take us to the library," Rory order Gael.

Gael took them there.

In the library, a girl was standing and waiting for them. When she saw them she welcomes them into the library. "Now for your task, " started the girl. "You must find a book called The Water and The Earth, a very popular book. The book genre is fantasy and the author is Lilith Cow. Now start searching."

The group wants to begin searching but they don't know where to begin. "I'll go left while you go right," Daisy told Rory. "And Calla, you go in the middle."

Calla nodded and went to look for the book. When she was looking at the book, she keeps thinking about what the girl had told her. She had given the group the genre of the book, including the author name. "Those must be a clue," though Calla. She than pick up a book and look at the content of it. The book was science fiction. On the side of the book, there was a sticker that said science fiction. Calla then understand. Those books are sorted by their genre. She looks at all the book in the middle and all of them were science fiction. It useless, no matter how much she looks in the middle, she will not find it because the book they were given was a completely different genre.

Calla moves to the right and looks at the label of the book on each shelf she passes by until she came across the fantasy shelves. Calla was overjoyed. She rushes to the book immediately, but Rory was already there looking at the books. She really didn't want to go there, but she wanted to help find the book.

She took a step forward and that when Rory turn around and look at her. "Did you find something?" Rory asks in a calm voice. He did not want to scare her. He knew that every time they stare at each other she seems to scared. As if he had done something to her. Well, he did accuse her of trying to seduce him when they were little and when he was asked to apologize, he did glare at her.

He really wants to get along with her, but that seems impossible as she seems to be afraid of him. Also, his mom wouldn't stop pressing him about getting along with her, so he will try.

Calla looks up at Rory and nodded. "I learn that the book is sorted by their genre and I'm still unsure about why she gives us the name," shyly replied Calla.

"Is that so." Rory was impressed that she was able to find a clue in what the girl said. Even he hadn't discovered anything yet. "Come and help me find the book," warmly welcome Rory.

Calla jaw drop. Did the male lead just speak to her without using his cold voice? He must be sick. In the novel, it was described he only spoke kindly to the female lead never the villainess. But for some reason when he spoke to her warmly, she feels happy. Calla smiles and nodded at Rory.

She went to help look for the book. After a while, she discovers the author name pattern. She learns that the book was arranged by the author first name. If the author name is Lilith Cow than the book should be in the L section and when Calla looks over there, she found it. She looks up at Rory and in a cheerful voice told him, "I found it."

"How?" asked Rory. He was confused. Did she learn the pattern for the author name as well?

Calla told Rory, the pattern for the author name. Both of them then went to call Daisy and all three of them went to give the book to the girl.

"You guys work fast. That is the first time I ever see someone who sees the pattern of how the books are arranged in the library so quickly," praise the girl. She then gives them the next clue.

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