Chapter 18: Visiting Daisy

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Calla stares at Daisy's door. She tried to knock, but retrieve it back each time, worrying that Daisy might not want to see her. She had come to the castle the moment she was out of school. She was worried about her. Calla lifts her arm and knocks on Daisy's door, three times. She heard a weak voice asking, "Who is it?"

"Is me, your friend Calla," Calla answer. Calla could hear footsteps walking slowly and heavily to the door. The door click and Daisy open the door quietly. Daisy pop her head out to see Calla and when she saw it was Calla, she let her in.

Daisy looks like she hadn't slept for days. There were dark circles under her eyes and her hairs were a mess. Her room was also a mess. There were some broken vases, mirror, and flowers as well. Her bed was even worst. The pillows were thrown out the window and the blanket was hanging on the closet door. Calla had enough looking around.

She approaches Daisy carefully and taps her on the shoulder, "Hey, do you want to talk about it?"

Daisy looks up at her and just hug her, crying. Calla hugs her back. Both of them not saying a word.

"I trusted them," Daisy sob. "I treat them as my own family that why I did not change my last name even when I learn I was a princess. They were important to me."

Calla doesn't know what to say to comfort Daisy. She had never been in this situation before. She just hugs Daisy tighter to let her know she was by her side. "I don't know what to said to make you feel better however the only thing I can say is that everyone is worry about you."

"I know," Daisy response.

"If you know then why don't we go to see them. It will make them feel better," Calla suggests.

Daisy nod. She knew her family worries were about her and it was not a good idea either to stay cope up in her room all the time.

"Why don't we get you to change first," Calla said letting go of Daisy.

Daisy stands up and walks to her closest. She throws down the blanket hanging on top. She chose her clothes then went to the bathroom to clean herself. Meanwhile, Calla tidies up the room. She doesn't know what to do with the broken vases or mirror so Calla just called the maids to clean them up.

Daisy gets out of the bath looking new and clean, however dark circles eyes could not hide her tiredness and a sleepless night.

Calla carefully guides Daisy to the dining hall. The king and queen were sitting in a table full of many foods from different places, however, both of them had not touched any of them. Instead, they just stare into space.

They turn around when they heard Calla and Daisy's footsteps. The moment they saw Daisy they rush to her as quick as they can and hug her. "Are you ok now," the queen asks worriedly. Daisy did not say anything, she just nodded.

The king and queen guide Daisy to her chair on the table. Afterward, both of them sit down on their chair as well. Calla was happy that she was able to help Daisy. She looks up at the sky and saw that it was almost night time. She needs to go home and have dinner with her family. Calla slowly turns to the king and queen, "Your Majesty, Your Highness, I'm afraid I cannot stay any longer. I have to go home and have dinner with my family or else they will be worried."

"Is that so," the queen said. "If that the case then I will arrange a car to take you."

"Thank you, your highness." Daisy turns around and walks to the door when she suddenly feels a pull in her arm. She turns around and saw Calla holding her arm. "Please, stay with me for today. There are many things I want to talk to you about," begged Daisy.

Calla looks to the king and queen worriedly. They both nodded at Calla, showing they will accept her if she stays the night. She signs and agrees to stay with Daisy. She was still worried about her. Maybe it'll be better if she stays close to her. Maybe she could even pursue Daisy to go to school with her tomorrow.

"I will ask one of the maids to call your parents," offer the king.

"Thank you, your majesty," Daisy nodded.

Calla stays the night and eats with the royal family. Afterward, she and Daisy went to the Daisy room to sleep.

Daisy's room had already been clean up. The broken care and mirror we replace while the bed was perfectly made. "I'm sorry," apologize Daisy the moment they sat on the bed.

"For what," question Calla. She does not understand why Daisy was apologizing. There was nothing to apologize for. She was the one who hurt the most. She was the one her adopted parents used her to gain the royal family power. So why was she apologizing?

"For making your stay with me. I know its selfish of me," explained Daisy.

Calla let out a small laugh. "You don't have to worry. I will always be with you. That what friends are for isn't it? To be with you when you need them the most. So don't apologize."

Daisy was happy. She stares at Calla and hesitant to said something. After about a minute of staring she let out her though. "Do you mind if I talk to you about my adopted parents?" Daisy looks away from Calla afraid that she might be angry at her for wanting to talk about the people who tried to use her as a weapon.

Calla could see Daisy's worries. She knew what Daisy was thinking. Daisy was afraid of her getting angry at her. She smiles and said, "Of course, you can. I'm all ear."

Daisy sigh in relief. She was glad Calla want to listen because she really needs to talk to someone about her adopted parents. She wanted to get it out of her system.

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