Chapter Seven: Rory Leory

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Yes, yes. Was the word that keeps repeating in Calla mind the moment she heard Rory answer.

"Are you ok," ask Rory the moment he notices Calla spacing out.

"Yeah, totally," unconsciously answer Calla. She was still thinking about why she followed the male lead instead of her brother. She should have connected the dot earlier, from when Ada greeted her mother. Ada and Susan were close friends and the story mention that how the male lead and villainess meat each other, thought their parents.

She did not have time to think about the past, nor the storyline right now. She needs to find a way to deal with the male lead and not make him her enemy. But how is she supposed to deal with him?

"What are you thinking about? You have been spacing out for a while."

Hearing the male lead question, Calla snap out of her thought and answer, "Nothing," though what she really want to say was, how to not make you an enemy.


"Yes." Believe me, I'm not hidden anything. Well other the fact I'm trying to find a way to go to my brother and leave you alone in the balcony.

"Is that so?" He doesn't believe her at all.

"You don't believe me do you?"


"Then, What do you think I am thinking about?" Calla really wants to bang her head against a wall. Why should she care what the male lead think she was thinking about. She's trying to find a way to get away from him not know his thinking.

"I'm thinking you're trying to fine a way to seduce me."

Calla looks up at Rory with an unbelievable face. Hey kid, your still six years old, how did you already learn the word seduce?

Seeing Calla shocked face, Rory interrupt it as he guesses right. Feeling confidence he announces, "Don't wasn't your time. No matter what you are planning on doing I will never fall for you."

That great because I can't wait until you meet the female lead. I hope she mops the floor with you.

"Don't be angry. I'm just warning you." Said Rory when he sees Calla angry face. Calla was about to explode, but she needs to stay calm, she is the daughter of a duke, therefore she needs to behave. If she tries to hit Rory, the trouble will go to her parents, not her. She needs to stay calm, calm like the sea.

"You are doing your best to stay calm. Did I hit the nail so hard that you can't even speak anymore?" Laugh Rory.

Calm, calm. Calla keeps repeating in her head no matter what Rory was saying.

"Do you wanna know why I will never fall for you?"

"No," grind Calla.

"Well, let me tell you."

Are you even listening, male lead, I say I don't wanna hear it?

"It because your ugly," pointed the male lead.

Calla gasp. How dare he called her ugly. She got her to look from her parents and her parents are the most beautiful people she had ever see in this life and her past life. He called her ugly, that means the same thing as insulting her parents. It means the same thing as saying her parents are ugly and that why she's ugly. She looks so much like her parents so how could she be ugly.

So that how your gonna play, then I will show you how scary a girl can be. Calla looks at the windows into the party hall and saw her brother, along with her parents and Rory parents coming to her and Rory. That when she got an idea on how to make Rory be in trouble.

When her family and Rory parents were about to opens the windows to get into the balcony, Calla started crying.

When her family heard the cries, they rush to her side as quickly as they can and ask her if she ok. Calla refused to answer, she keeps crying.

Ada went to Rory side and look at him with a furious face, "Did you do something?"

"No," lie Rory.

"Than why is she crying?"

"I don't know," shrugged Rory.

"Rory Leroy," order Ada. "I know your lying. Do you wanna know how?" Nodded Rory. "Your eyes are wandering around."

"Fine, I did do something," admitted Rory. "I call her ugly." Ada wanted to slap herself in the face. How was she supposed to pair her son and Calla together now? She was pretty certain, Calla will remember the insult for the rest of her life and would not want to marry her son anymore. No, that can not happen. She needs to do something.

"Apologize to her," glare Ada at Rory.

"But-," Rory didn't finish his sentence, when he saw his mom looking at him with fierce eyes as if saying, she will eat him alive if he did not apologize. Rory went up to Calla but was blocked by Gael. He did not want anyone who dares to call her sister ugly to come near her ever again, even if it means to apologize.

Rory looks at Gael and said, "Move out of the way."

"No," refused Gael.

"Gael, let him through," Susan intercepted. Gale look back at his mom, then he let Rory through. The moment Gael move away, Calla run to hide behind her mom's back. "Sweetie, don't be afraid, he cannot harm you. He just wanna to apologize," explained Susan.

Calla looks up at her mom, then she moves in front of her to face the male lead.

"I'm sorry," apologize Rory.

"Uh," nodded Calla. Rory was about to turn around and leave, but when he saw her mom face saying, said something more, he turns back around. "I am sorry for calling you ugly, which is not true. You are one of the most beautiful person I have ever see," sarcastically lie Rory, while in his heart he promises one day to repay her for his humiliation today.

The male lead, lie a little better. I could hear it in your voice that you're planning on killing me. Eh, wait. Did I just make the male lead my enemy? Calla wanted to scream her head off. She just promises she will not make the male lead her enemy and in just an hour she already did. No, she can not blame herself. She did it for a good reason. He insulted her parents. Nope, he had just insulted her and she misinterprets it as an insult to her parents.

While thinking, Calla forgets to cry, so she was just staring at the male lead with a horrified expression on her face.

Had he done something? Thought Rory. He was sure he was not scary looking, so why was Calla looking at him as if he's a ghost. "Hey, you ok?" Call out Rory.


"You don't look ok."

"I'm am fine, did you not-," shouted Calla but stop after realizing she was speaking to the male lead. "I find, thank you for asking," answer Calla in a sweet voice.

Rory was shocked. Unbelievable, she had no control of her emotions. Does he really need to take revenge when she is already having a problem of her own? Nope, she already suffers enough, decide Rory.

"Since your fine, I will leave." He had no idea what to say to a person who had no control over their own emotions.

"Yes, thank you for apologizing." Rory went to his mom, who was happy that the children made up.

Calla looks back at her mom and said, "Can we leave. I don't wanna stay here any longer." When Rory was looking at Calla with pity it triggers the bad memories of her past life that she never wants to think about.

"But-," Susan looked at her friends for an answer and when her friends nodded, she agreed to take her daughter home. Though her husband and son stay until the end of the party. She can't let her friend think she does not care about her when she does. Besides, all of them can't leave, it her friend son birthday. Susan looks at her friend and mouth, "Sorry," before carrying Calla to the car.

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