going (4)

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sabbath- a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday. (google)


Ronit, in total shock, just responded, "Oh, ok. Thank you." And hung up.

Though she wasn't in total shock, she was in some shock. Why didn't anyone tell her that her own father was dead. What did he die of? When did he die? Where did he die? These questions rounded her head. Just as Ronit's head was about to burst, she heard a bing! from her phone. And a message from Dovid came. This is what it read:

Dear Ronit,

I know it's been a long time since we've seen, or more specifically, I've seen you. And if you'd like, we'd love for you to come back to London. To also mourn for your beloved father.

Ronit thought of how little effort Dovid must have put into the text because, it was so small and meaningless to her. But her mind told her to go back to London. To mourn for her father and to collect her mother's Shabbat candles. In the back of her mind, she thought about Esti and what would happen once they met again. The awkwardness and tension might've been there. Also, she knew the new Rav probably would've been Dovid. Dovid's been by the Rav's side since he was 12 or 13 years old.

       Screw it, I'm going. Ronit thought. She excused herself to go back home early and got her suitcase, clothing, hygiene supplies, and started packing. It was only gonna happen for a week anyway. Nothing could gone wrong. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Ronit thought. But in the back of her mind, she thought something would.

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