ok (6)

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  Ronit took another glimpse at the photo. Huh? The woman Dovid's with strangely looks like Esti. Ronit thought the woman in Dovid's arm looked too alike to Esti. Creepy. She started to walk away and into the kitchen. Once Dovid was about to walk out, only to see Ronit enter the kitchen, he stayed.

"Here's the coffee." And Dovid handed it to her. She took a few sips of the steaming coffee before speaking.

"So, who did you marry? You didn't marry Hinda did you?" Ronit thought about the photo. Though it didn't look like Hinda, but Dovid gave Ronit a stare.

"You married Hinda. Did you? Oh shit. Dovid, did you?" Dovid just shook his head side to side, signing no.

"Ok, thank god. But there are like, 20 more woman who look like Hinda out there." Ronit whisper-talked. Just as Ronit almost took another sip of coffee, but then Esti entered in, shaking with the tray of empty tea cups on the tray. She set the tray of tea cups down on the counter. Esti wore a wig that she probably wore 2 years ago.

"Hello Esti." Ronit simply said. Esti just responded with a simple nod.

"So Esti, do you know who's Mrs. Kuperman?" Ronit asked Esti. Dovid and Esti just exchanged a small, quick glance. Ronit saw the glance and came to realization.

"You guys are married aren't you?" Ronit came back to the photo in her mind. Esti and Dovid, arms around each other.

"Yes we are." Dovid replied.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't I get invited?" Ronit suddenly bashed calmly.

"Oh, maybe because you left us without telling?" Esti snapped back. Ronit was just there, silent.

"I've gotta go." And with that, Esti left.

"Well then, congratulations." Ronit tilting her head slightly. She pulled out a cigarette and almost lighted it, but Dovid stopped her. She just sassed a bit back. "Fine." Dovid pulled Ronit out to the house to talk to her and to let her smoke.

They were near a bridge. Smoke came from her cigarette once she lighted it.

"You know, this week must be conducted with honor." Dovid said to Ronit. "Honor."


just to clear up, ronit already knew esti and Dovid were married. she just was mad because they didn't invite her to their wedding.

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