Edit April 18th 2019: Hi so, I think I had forgotten to add a trigger warning when reviewing this again hAHA *nervous sweats* so fuck. uh, pretty dark and depressing shit if I do say so myself, and very very triggering. uh, suicidal thoughts and a lot of self harm and blood. and i see you eyeing the word "vent" on the title, and i regret to inform that this is, in fact... something that i have done and very much want to do again. read only if you dare, I'm not messing around with this trigger warning.
I look at my complexion in the mirror, finding nothing more different then my ugly body. Sure, I might be pretty to some, eye candy even, but I couldn't understand it. I guess I never could, huh?
Looking at the knife, this felt awfully nostalgic. It was... scary. That also two days away from two months from today, I'd have the same thoughts, in a room awfully like where I had these fantasies. The same wondering of what would happen if I died.
Awfully nostalgic, too, considering the circumstances before this.
Picking up the knife, I felt surreal. This didn't really actually happen, did it? Even if my bones started feeling sore from stratches and bleeding, I felt detached from myself entirely. I really was a piece of shit, wasn't I?
Made me wonder.
Wonder what would happen if I made a cut. Then another. Then another.
My eyes soon unfocused as I continued hurting myself, if it could even be called that. It barely felt like pain now. But I knew I was just calling for attention, cutting myself, hurting but hiding it, doing it in places where the world wouldn't see... Haha. Why do I do this to myself?
When my marrow started spilling more then normal, I paused, looking at my naked figure. I saw my ribcage, my spine, my sternum, my pelvis and my femurs, then looked at the knife covered in marrow. I frowned a little, seeing many cuts, most of which I didn't notice before. This wasn't helpful anymore... I threw the knife off to the side, a trail of my blood coating the flooring where the edge of the knife made contact with it. It was almost fruitless to continue, I guess, but something inside me wanted to continue. Old habits, perhaps.
Nobody was aware of this happening, I hope. I did make sure not to have it shown, considering my arms were always clean of marks, usually... Selfish, isn't it?
I could feel tears fall from my eyesockets and I couldn't help but loathe them. Ah yes, always act like the victim when you've had too much of a good life to complain. Instantly I was panged with the impulse to continue, and I quickly went over to the knife and gave myself a rather deep wound against one of my ribs. And another. Then another. Tears flowed freely even as i held them back. I just had to be so weak to stoop so low as to cry, heh. Why was I such a screw-up? I guess perhaps it was because I did this to myself and wanted out. But I'd never be out. Forever stuck in this hellhole.
But was it hell? I already felt dead. Or maybe I was dying. I didn't know anymore. I didn't care.
I shouldn't care. But I still did. Fucking emo now, cutting and crying and being all sad. Hahahahahaha...
Originally thought with Dream, but wrote as Error, you can choose who from the DS cast this includes.