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When Clint had finally arrived and picked up Rigel, the boy was informed that they had a couple other stops before reaching their final destination, which Rigel then again questioned only to be told that they'd be flying out to Germany that night

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When Clint had finally arrived and picked up Rigel, the boy was informed that they had a couple other stops before reaching their final destination, which Rigel then again questioned only to be told that they'd be flying out to Germany that night.

"Germany? You're fricking kidding me!" He cried. Weren't they in Amsterdam the last time he heard from them.

"No, I'm not." Clint chuckled. "Now, when we arrive at the compound, I'm going to get you to cause a distraction to lure out Vision then we'll meet back up inside to get Wanda."

"So, she's on our side?" He asked.

"She doesn't really have a choice. She also still doesn't believe in Tony too much."

"So what you're telling me is, we're fighting the accords? Anyone who's signed them, that's who we're fighting?" Rigel asked from the back seat of the car. He saw through the mirror that Clint wasn't too sure what was going on either.

"Truth is kid, I'm suposed to be taking a break from all this. I've got my kids to look after." He shrugged then got back on track, "So the distraction, got any plans?"

"I'm thinking something big. Something explosive." He smirked.

"Better get your mask on kiddo, we're about to commit a serious crime." Clint chuckled. Rigel excitedly placed his mask to his face, happy to finally be back in costume again. when they finally arrived, they split ways.

Rigel managed to find a few explosives within his stash of weaponry and used that as the distraction and upon seeing that is caught vision's attention, he booked it out of there. There is one thing the boy never wants to do and that is to fight Vision. The one android who single-handedly defeated Ultron.

When he reached the insides of the compound he found the other two inside the lounge area and quickly made his way towards the two, catching most of their conversation. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?" Wanda asked, walking towards Clint.

"Disappointing my kids," Clint answered moving out of the way. He quickly shot two arrows into the wall and kitchen counter which would create a form of the wall, "We're supposed to go waterskiing, but Cap needs our help."

He quickly grabbed Rigel's hand as it was the closet to him and pulled the kid away, He in turn quickly grabbed onto Wanda's so she wouldn't feel the need to stay behind.

"Clint!" At the sound of Visions voice, Rigel rolled his eyes and let out a sigh and the older man let go of his hand. "You should not be here. Rigel, don't you have school tomorrow?"

"Really? I retire for what? 5 minutes and it all goes to shit." Clint laughed.

"Fuck school." Rigel glared.

"Please consider the consequences of your actions." He warned as he continued to slowly step forward.

"Okay, they're considered," Clint answered, the arrows serving to life, creating the barrier, temporarily stopping Vision.

"Okay... time to go!" Rigel called, grabbing Wanda's hand again as they went to run off but she didn't move. "Alright, don't make me use my strength on you."

"It's this way," Clint called back to the girl, pointing out the doors.

"I've caused enough problems." She said, looking to the floor.

"Common Wanda. If you wanna make amends, you've gotta get off your arse." Clint said as he jogged back to the girl. Though Clint's attention was brought away, "Shit."

The sound of vision coming to life filled the air as the two kids were pushed away and Clint pulled out an arrow. Rigel watched on as Clint attempted to hit the android, his phase shifting not helping in this fight. Rigel watched carefully for when he was phasing and when he wasn't, pulling out a knife from his holster, he waited for the perfect time before he let the knife fly from his hand and land inside the androids back. But it did nothing, he just pulled it out and let it hit the floor.

"Be reasonable, Rigel. You don't want to be a child criminal." He said.

"Reasonable my arse. Fuck you." He sneered back, grabbing another knife. Though, Vision didn't care for how young the boy wad and quickly phased over towards him, holding him in a headlock. "That's funny, did you forget? I'm stronger than you." He growled, bending down and pulling the android off of him, his robotic body flying into the wall.

As the android stood from his place, he stopped upon seeing Wanda's hands glowing red. "Vision, that's enough. Let us go. I'm leaving." She said.

"I can't let you." He replied back. They both sounded like they were in pain for what was to come. As if neither one of them wanted to hurt the other. Rigel felt sorry for them, but there was no room for romance between team mates. Not like this.

"If you do this. They'll never stop being afraid of you." He struggles to say as Wanda's powers dug him into the ground.

"I can't control their fear. Only my own." Then she had used the rest of her power to send him all the way down. Rigel and Clint coming to her side to see the damage she had created. The end of the hole almost unseeable.

"Let's go," Clint said, patting the two kids on the shoulder and walking away, back to the car to retrieve their last cargo of the night.

"So where to now?" Rigel asked, taking the front seat instead of the back seat this time.

"That's a surprise." Clint smiled, "You're gonna laugh at who we're about to meet, more specifically, what he calls himself."

"It can't be any worse than the hoddie wearing weirdo of queens." Rigel laughed. "We have our own little super hero who calls himself Spider-man."

"Funny, this guy calls himself Ant-man."

"Maybe they can be friends!" Rigel laughed out, how uncanny that their names could be so similar. He guesses that some people just don't have much of an imagination.

This type of humour really helped calm his never, Wanda sitting in the back not saying a word made the boy feel sorry for her. She really did love Vision, he didn't want her to have to hurt him, but it was hard to tell her not to when he made no hesitation in hurting them. He really wished this whole accords nonsense would dissapear so he could just relax, enjoy school, and maybe he too could find someone to love.

It wasn't long before they reached their destination, Rigel wasn't surprised either based on the fact he had been too deep in thought to even understand the basic construct of time during the ride, but once he saw the man standing in front on him, he was pleasantly surprised.

"Hey, what's up man!" The guy called. "Who have we got here, Hawkeye, Scarlett Witch and Warpath. Cool!" He counted them off, "I'm Scott Lang or Ant-Man." He introduces himself, holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Wanda smiled, wary.

"Hey." Rigel raises a hand in a wave.

"Thank you for agreeing on this in such short notice. We better get going, we have a plane to catch." Clint clapped his hands together before pointing back towards the car. Them all piling in to get to the airport.

Rigel: The Secret Soldier [MARVEL] Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now