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Peter had stayed asleep in the car ride back to the fancy hotel, while Rigel was fully awake and stressing about what was to happen to the others

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Peter had stayed asleep in the car ride back to the fancy hotel, while Rigel was fully awake and stressing about what was to happen to the others. He was glad to be young and not have been thrown in a prison cell, though he was upset that because he was young, he was treated differently. And he knew the same would happen to Peter.

But with the suit, Peter will now want to do the best for people. And Rigel knew just how everything would play out, Tony will brush him off, play it like Peter isn't the tuff guy he is. He'll make Peter feel less than what he is. He just hopes Tony has learnt from his mistakes with Rigel and attempt to be different with Peter, though he highly doubts that.

Rigel looked down to the sleeping boy who had his head rested against the car door, his arms laying beside him. He wondered what would happen if he was to tell Peter who he really was. Would he hate him? Would he like him even more? Rigel had no idea other than the fact that he didn't want to disappoint the boy he wants to call a friend.

Rigel just hoped Peter could become a good friend despite anything else. These past few hours were a big eye-opener for Rigel and he couldn't help but think that peter as a superhero was defiantly the best fit for the boy. At first, it was hard to believe but now he sees that Peter really was a good person and wanted to use his abilities to help people and not hurt them.

When they had gotten to the hotel, Rigel was asked to help carry Peter from the car and to the boy's room as the medication he was given wasn't letting the boy wake up anytime soon. Happy informed him that the plane won't be ready for another hour or so and thanked the boy for carrying in Peter, explaining that he can take one of the rooms in Peters suit to rest until then.

Rigel sat down on the spare bed and stared down at his hands in front of him, his mind busy with travelling thoughts that popped up every now and again, his mind going towards his sister and where on earth she could be, or the universe. He highly doubted that she was still on earth, perhaps she had left with Thor. No one really knows what happened to her after Rigel's heart stopped and was classified as dead for an hour.

Thinking of what had happened and finnaly realising how much he has lost today, Rigel broke and cried for the first time since waking up and finding his sister was missing and she presumed him to be dead. A hiccup left the boy's lips as he tried to conceal his cries, hugging a pillow to his body.

During Rigel's cry's, he had somehow fallen asleep, his top half lying on the bed, his head on the pillow while his bottom half still hung off the bed, his body bent in an uncomfortable manner. Him still clad in his uniform from trying to hide his identity from Peter.

Though his sleep was disturbed when he picked up a presence from around him, noting someone's hand was reaching out to his face. He quickly grabbed it and twisted the person's arm and when receiving a screech of pain come from Peter, he let go and opened his eyes, them feeling heavy.

"What the hell, Pe- Spider-boy?" He almost slipped on the name.

"I was just coming to wake you up," he groaned, holding his arm as he rose, "The plane is ready to catch."

"Okay, thank you." Rigel sighed, touching his face to make sure his mask was still on and to make sure there were no tears left before standing and taking in Peter's features. He was now wearing sweats and had visible bruises on his face and parts of his arms that were seen. Rigel grimaced at the boy, feeling sorry for hurting him but quickly walked to the door, helping Happy with everyone's belongings and taking it down to the car.

Rigel had managed to avoid Peter as much as he could until they reached the plane. And he knew there were going to be plenty of questions, whether it was for his identity or about why he was crying. Rigel wasn't an idiot, and neither was Peter. The boy deffiently knew about Rigel's little episode he had by now.

But luckily for Rigel, Peter didn't dare utter a word towards Rigel and kept to the opposite ends of the plane. Happy having sent Peter back home once the plane landed in New York, he wasn't too found of the idea of leaving without the suit but he was given something to play with until Tony returned which should tie him over Okay.

When Tony did return though, the two stood in silence for a while, neither knowing what to say. Rigel wanted to say he was sorry and was thinking about Rodes while Tony wanted to tell Rigel how sorry he was for his family to once again be taken away from him with nothing to be done about it. Though, it was Tony who finally spoke up.

"They're transferring Rhody back now." He said, not knowing what else to say, neither even looking at each other, staring out at the wide patch of grass at the Avenger compound. It was empty.

"I'm sorry... about everything." Rigel sad, lowly. Tony sighed and turned towards the boy, this causing Rigel to follow and look up to the older man who was like a rich uncle.

"I'm sorry, I should have never let any of this happen. I've broken your family yet again and to keep you out of trouble I have to suspend you from any hero duty."

Rigel let the words process through his mind until a small smile rested on his face, "That's okay. School holidays start up in a couple of weeks, you'll be able to work with your new child protege and I'll finally be able to accept plans made by my friends. I guess it's a win-win. And you were right the other week, I'm not fit to fight. Not yet."

"You did pretty well out their, kid." Tony smiled awkwardly, putting his hand on Rigel's shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry about, from now on I don't want you to be sorry about what has happened, but thankful that this is a great growing experience for you."

"Did Rhodes tell you to say that?" Rigel asked with a choked laugh as he tried to hold back the tears.

"Not this time, kid," Tony said, pulling the boy in for a hug as he saw his shoulders shaking, Rigel broke down, once again, but this time he had someone to hold him.

After seeing his parents death, Tony couldn't help but remember that Rigel is pretty much in the same boat as the boy has no parents and doesn't have his sister anymore. The boy was so mature for his age at the compound that Tony forgets that he's only 16 years old. He wished he could do more. But for now, all he could be was Rigel's shoulder.

Rigel: The Secret Soldier [MARVEL] Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now