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When they arrived in Germany, they rented a hire truck before all piling in and driving off to an abanded part of the airport where they would take cover until Steve, Sam and Bucky arrived

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When they arrived in Germany, they rented a hire truck before all piling in and driving off to an abanded part of the airport where they would take cover until Steve, Sam and Bucky arrived. This time Rigel was shoved in the back with Scott sleeping beside him. When Steve showed up, the other two jumped from the car greeting the man before opening up the doors to let Rigel jump out, Clint waking Scott.

"I put a little coffee in him, but he should be good," Clint said before hitting the van door, startling Scott from his sleep.

"Rigel," Steve said, nodding towards the young boy as a greeting.

"Steve, Sam." He nodded to the two of them, catching Bucky in the back, arms crossed and glaring at Rigel.

"Barnes." He nodded.

"You look familer, do I know you?" He asked.

"Oh yeah! I forget that I've aged a lot compared to you adults. I'm Rigel Proudstar, or what I was more known by you as Warpath." He introduced himself.

"Warpath. Glad you got out kid." He gave the boy a nod.

"You too, and we're going to do our damn best to make sure you stay out." He lifted up his hand to give to older male a thumbs up.

"Eh, What Timezone is this?" He heard Scott ask from behind. He turned around to see the man sluggishly getting out of the van.

"Common. Come on." Clint encouraged him to get out and introduce himself, despite everyone knowing who he was.

"Captain America." He smiled, shaking he blondes hand for a smidge too long.

"Mr Lang."

"It's an honour. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow, this is awesome! Captain America. I know you too, you're great." He then let go of the handshake and held the man's biceps, "Geez. Ah look, I wanna say; I know you know a lot of super people, so, thinks for thanking of me."

Rigel had to suppress a snort he was going to let out from watching the interaction between Scott and Steve but once Sam called Scott 'tic-tac' it was all over for him, there was no holding back the laugh that left his lips.

"We're outside the law on this one." Steve said, "So if you come with us, you're a wanted man."

"Yeah well, what else is new?" He shrugged.

"We should be moving." Bucky piped up.

"We've got a chopper lined up," Clint said.

Suddenly an alarm blared over the speakers of the airport, Rigel glad that he understood it. Though upon hearing that they were calling an evacuation, he rolled his eyes with a sigh. Bucky voicing what the alarm sounded.

"Stark." Sam hissed.

"Suit up," Steve called. Everyone who wasn't already in costume left to go get changed either in the van or on either side of it.

Steve ordered the others to split up while he made for the chopper first, they knew Tony was there and that they'd have to find another way out. So Sam, Bucky and Rigel split together to find the Quinn Jet while the remaining members also split into their own groups. Thanks to Rigel's super senses, he was able to watch and here the commotion from where they stood.

The two men and one boy stood by a window inside the terminal watching as Steve made his way out and was stopped by Tony who had thrown a bug to the halicopter which disabled it, allowing it to not be worked properly.

"Alright, gotta find that Jet." Rigel hurried Same as he controlled his drone. With it being a one mans job, Rigel tunes his attention to watching Steve and tony, listening to their conversation.

"Wow it's so weird how you run into people at the air port, don't you think that's weird?" Tony asked as he and Rodes landed on the ground in front of the chipper.

"Deffiently." Rodes agreed.

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist. He's behind all of this." Steve tried to reason. Though was taken off track as the new king of Wakanda came into the scene.


"Your highness."

"Anyway," Tony said, brining the attention back towards him. "Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy." Steve tried.

"Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Tony yelled, trying to get his point across.

"And there are five more supersoldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't." Steve shook his head, only thinking of the right thing to do.

"Steve, you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Nat asked.

Rigel watched from his place in the terminal while more and more people came to protect Tony's side. The boy feeling as though it was about ready for the others to join at this point in time, all he wanted to do was go in and help. But he was better suited to looking after the two men who seemed to do nothing but have pitiful arguments.

"Alright, I've run out of patients." Tony sighed, bribing two hands to his mouth and calling, "Underoos!"

Rigel watched, jaw agape as a red an blue blur came in, stealing the captain shield and binding his hands in a sticky web like substance. It was Spider-man, and boy, had he gotten an upgrade.

"Nice job kid!" Tony called.

"Thanks! Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better, it's just a new suit. But it's nothing, Mr Stark. I-it's perfect, thank you." The man in the mask spoke up.

"Holy shit!" Rigel hissed as his brain registered the sound of the man's voice. That was no man, that was a boy. A boy he went to school with too. There was no way Tony was stupid enough to bring in a 15-year-old kid into this fight. Did he even know what they were fighting for?

"What's up kid?" Sam asked who was standing next to Rigel, wondering what had stopped the boy in his tracks.

"Huh? Oh, uh. Yeah. Everything is fine." He waved it off. "Have you found the Quinn Jet yet?" He asked, changing the conversation.

"Yes," he smirked as he had finally found the Jet. He then tuned into the ear coms, "We found it, the Quinn Jet is in hanger five, north runway."

Steve nodded, listing up his hands for Hawkeye to shoot and arrow through the sticky substance and allowing him to be free, the last thing Rigel rapped into was "Alright Lang." Before he tuned out.

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