Back to it..

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Work has been an awkward environment to be in the past few weeks, Justin barely speaks a word and if he does he has no sensitivity in his voice like he used to. A lot of people have been like that lately, including Josh. I'm still not over what happened with Josh, I hurt him and I never looked back. I feel awful, all I do is hurt the people I love.


"Josh please don't! Just leave it alone!"

"How can we leave it alone Zoey? We had sex! We're best friends and that isn't supposed to happen with best friends! There has to be something there if we both did it."

"Seriously Josh, can we leave it? It was a mistake and we both know it, we both had drinks and weren't the most sober of all people. You're my best friend and I can't let this come between us.."

"Do you still love him?"

"What? Who?"

"You know who."


"It' fine, just don't come crawling back to me when he breaks your heart again."

Then he left..


The hardest part of Josh leaving was watching his friends coming in to get his stuff and take it away to wherever he moved on to next. I haven't heard from Josh since he left, I haven't had a proper conversation in weeks. Nothing in my life seems right anymore, I'm the only one who can make it right again. Starting with my job, which may need to be a new one where my ex-whatever he is-isn't around.

"Zoey can you run to the printing room for me to get some paper work?"

"Sure thing"

"There should be a few pieces printed out, once they're printed scan them so I have double copies"

"Will do"

I know he's my boss but does he have to down grade me just because I said no to sleeping with him and not wanting my life to be so, confusing? I don't know what to think about men anymore, I seem to screw up somehow with all of them. I should just give up in the long run while I'm at it.


As today is progressing, Justin and his conversations with me become less frequent. He eventually just stopped talking, never been more thankful for finishing time. As I packed my bag and got up to leave, Justin called me through. As I walked in to his office he was standing in front of his desk while leaning on it.

"What do you need?"

"To talk to you."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Are you still happy being here? And working for me? I know things have happened but you're still one of the best colleagues I've had, I don't think we should let what happened come between work."

"I'm fine working here Justin, I've lost everything else important in my life. I think my job is the only thing I need to try hold on to."

"What do you mean everything else you've lost in your life?"

"Nothing, I'm going to go home. I'll see you in the morning."

"Zoey talk to me, please."

"Seriously Justin it's nothing, just a couple of people in my life have left that's all. My home and job are the two things I have left, now I'm going to go back to one of the remaining parts of my life. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that I turned my back and left, I can't keep working here. Not when he's here it hurts too much. Ii need to get away and start a new and not date my boss. I need my best friend back, I need my old life back. I need the old me back. Why did Justin care if I stayed in this job anyway? I thought he hated me, he shouldn't care if I stay or not. I lied to him when I said yes, sort of. I can stay in this job for now until I have a definite position somewhere else. 

Until then..I need a drink



Here is your sequel to I'm The Boss.

I want to thank each and every single one of you for being so patient with me! I'm so sorry for how long I've made you wait, but work is keeping me from doing anything. Luckily I have no work for a while to be done so I can focus on writing and other things in my life. 

I know this chapters short but I don't want to rush in to drama or put too much in to it, it will be calm-ish from the start and perhaps boring but I promise it will get better!

Once again thank you for being patient AND for reading! All you readers are amazing and I'm so happy you enjoy this story, I'm still trying to work out how you all like it and how I got lucky enough to get so many people enjoying the story.



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