Off to Brazil - Chapter One

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*Kendal's POV*

"KENDAL!" Adriana shouted whilst shaking me violently

"Get your arse out of bed we are going to Brazil, I'm finally going to met Neymar!" I groan, it was only 5am and I really couldn't deal with another one of Adriana's strategic plans on how she'll meet Neymar and make him hers. 

"Ana, first of all, you don't even speak or understand Portuguese, and second of all even if you had a chance, he already has a kid. That would be a drag on your 'relationship'."

"Oh, that's when you wrong Ken, I've been secretly taking Portuguese lessons after work, and we are lucky enough that your dad has gotten tickets for every possible Brazil match, so the Brazilian football team would be stupid to not notice us and frankly, I do not care, he's currently single, love always finds a way!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"So that's why you've coming home late recently... I just thought you had a secret boyfriend you didn't tell Carmen and I about. You should really listen to yourself, you're a 23 year old that sounds like preteen girl who believes she has a chance with a member from One Direction. How did you even get in?"

"We know where you keep the spare key." Ana started to jingle my keys in front of my face.

"Give me that!" I grabbed my key off of her shoved Adriana of my bed and returned back my sleeping position. 

"HEY! What are you doing?! Get up and start to get ready" she says shaking me again.

"OI! I am awake and we don't need to be a Heathrow until 10 o'clock and I am really not excited about this 11 hour flight, so an extra 30mins of sleep won't kill me!"

"Er, yes it will! Have seen the condition of your hair, that would take at least an hour to do and you'll have enough time to sleep on the plane!"

"I have to agree with Ana on that one" says Carmen popping out nowhere. "You do not know who you're gonna meet at the airport, there are going to loads of famous people flying over to Brazil... it is the World Cup for crying out loud!"

"For people who couldn't really give a shit about football, you're actually making a lot of sense."

"Of course we do, now get in the shower because sort out of the crazy hair of yours!"

I stick out my tongue at them and slowly make my way over to the bathroom. I look at the mirror and grimace at the sight. My hair was a mess. Why couldn't have the perfect Brazilian hair that Adriana Lima or Gisele Bündchen had?! I wasn't that my hair was short, I have pretty long hair, but unless it was straightened my hair would be one big curly mess.

I'm biracial - my dad comes from Brazil, São Paulo to be exact and my mum is from Ghana. I know, weird mix right? They met each other when they went to University College London and let's just say the rest was history. I'm the only girl and the middle child. My brothers Kenton Augusto and Kalum Alexandre, my parents wanted us all to have the same initials as their names are Karlos and Anita Cavalcante-Dias. Which makes me Kendal Alexia. There is only a two-year age gap between my brothers and me, so we are all pretty close. I was hoping to find someone like my parents did in university but, no luck whatsoever.

I'm not surprised anyway, I'm not calling myself ugly but I'm not exactly beautiful either; I guess I'm in the middle and it doesn't help I hang out with really attractive people.  I finished my art foundation, I did a joint degree in  Graphic Design and Fashion Illustration without any form of a decent relationship, maybe a couple of dates and that was it, and the people who really interested were the really weird stereotypical arty farty people, I guess it wasn't so bad in secondary school and college but it was annoying to only be used to get my friends numbers most of the time. Having brothers that were attractive to 90% of the girl population in school meant that I had a lot of fake friends: they were basically girls that wanted to get into my brothers' underwear. I am so blessed to have a friend like Adriana and there were 9 other people I could really rely on, but you're probably why I haven't mentioned Carmen. Carmen was okay, but she could be iffy at times and was really difficult at times, I guess she was okay at times. She was kind of like the friends everybody secretly hated but never really admitted. Although, they and Carmen were pretty good to me sometimes it is hard being their friends.

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