Friend or Foe - Chapter Ten

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*David's POV*

"I'm gonna take over to my apartment and then take over to hospital early in the morning, see you later."
Adriana and Neymar waved, I placed her into car and then drove off.


I decided to rent an apartment because it was just easier to manage and much more privacy. I placed Kendal on the bed...
She needs to get out of those clothes
I looked for the smallest clothes I had available, I managed to find an old pair of shorts, a vest and a t-shirt. I looked and wondered how I was going to do without it being too awkward.
I got a wet cloth and started to clean the dried blood away. Right...
I slowly turned her body over and started to unzip her dress, I know wasn't doing anything wrong but I couldn't help feeling that I was invading her privacy.
Once I had finished unzipping her dress, I started to take of her dress, I had to brace myself because she had beautiful caramel-mocha skin. Thank goodness she was wearing a bra!
Now the hard part was over, it was quite easy to put the clothes on her body. I tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead... Goodnight sweetheart, and soon I was off.

*the next morning*

*Kendal's POV*

This scent seems familiar but I'm not sure where I remember it from. I try to open my eyes, but my head is in excruciating pain. I slowly try to get up without opening my eyes, and when I open my eyes I started to feel very dizzy and I fall on my bum. I hear someone running over to me.
"Oh, you're awake. Thank goodness! Can you hear me?" the voice said, I was trying to remember who that voice belonged to, I nod slowly.
"You've just had a concussion, I know you're feeling dazed but could you tell me your name."
My name... My name
"Kendal?" that sounds right... "Kendal Dias-Cavalcante? or is it the other way round?" It hurt to think.
"Yes, your right, it is the other way round, I was going to take you to the hospital but quite a lot of the boys have suffered from hard hits on the head so I know what to do."
I opened my eyes again trying to look for the owner of the voice. I see the cutest face looking down at me with concern.
"Yes, that's my name." I started to tear up, this was overwhelming for me. I feel a strong pair of arms around me.
"I don't even know I'm crying."
"Shh, shhh." he left, and came back with a plate, two tablets and I glass of water.
"Eat up, take these and then get some rest you'll feel better afterwards.
I couldn't really do anything but follow as he said, and soon after I fell asleep.

*Adriana's POV*

I was on my way the David's apartment to see how Kendal was doing, Neymar offered to give me a lift. He was a sweet person and we had loads to talk about.

*at the apartment*

Kendal was still asleep...the thing is Kendal and I always knew that Carmen has anger issues but we didn't know it could go this far, we've only been in Brazil for a couple of days now and if she continues at this rate at it's not going to be Kendal that's going to need medical attention. So for our safety I think it's if I tell Neymar and David.

"Guys, I need to tell you something about Carmen..." They both looked at me with interest
"Well if you're going to tell us about her could at least tell us what made her do this to Kendal?" David started to stroke her hair
"Well okay.."

*Last Night in Kendal's POV*

"That reminds me, why did Neymar come up to you?" Adriana said curiously. Crap. It's now or never.
"Well just say just say I wasn't really overwhelmed with all the compliments and I may of had something to do with David coughing..." I smirked at the thought of what earlier on.
"What do you mean... Kendal!" she hit playfully "You dirty girl!" she started to laugh.
"He started it! and actually Neymar saw so he was teasing me about it." I laughed along with her, Carmen suddenly came out of nowhere.
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"First David, now Neymar, I'm not gonna be surprised if you fuck Oscar and then the whole Brazilian team!" well that came out of nowhere.
"Carmen, what the fuck is your problem?!" Adriana shouted at her.
"Leave it, Ana. She's probably annoyed for the first time in her life that someone is getting more attention than her." I turn to Carmen. "You clearly know that I'm a virgin so I don't know why the hell you'd say that but there a lot of important people here so I'm just going to forget you said that."
I start to walk from her but she yanks my hair hard and due to the fact that I'm wearing heels, I'm unable to balance myself and I fall onto the floor with a huge thud.

*back to present time in Adriana's POV*

David started to go red a bit. "so you know now..."
"Don't worry about it, I think it's cute. I haven't seen her like this in a while."
Neymar jumped into as well. "I could say the same thing about Davi and yeah, I noticed that she looked a bit funny went I was walking over to Kendal."
"You mean to tell me she would say all those vile things about her friends because she wasn't in the limelight for a change?" David half-shouted, he didn't want to wake up Kendal.
I nodded slowly "she always been like that but after we graduated for uni, she stopped as there wasn't many guys we needed to impress so we thought we were getting the old Carmen back but this is an example that she is always going to be a spiteful cow!"
David just looked me in astonishment.
"So when did this all start?"
"When we were in year 9 so we would have been around 14, she was friends with the 'popular crowd' and they just had a falling out, she stole one of their boyfriends she was dumped as their friends. Kendal and I weren't losers, we had a good selection of friends but we mainly relied on each other and we decided to take her in, it wasn't not until Year 10 we noticed a difference in attitude. As you know, Kendal has um, huger parts than Carmen and I, and it angered her so she would go around saying various rumours about Kendal so no guys would go near her. She used to come around to my house, crying wondering why she was called such names, why she was the only one without boyfriends and why she was so ugly-"
"And why didn't you anything?!"
"Because I didn't know. I was coming to that! Anyways, I found out in Year 11 that she was the cause of all of this, and I confronted her about it. I told to admit to Kendal, but which she did but then she twisted it and made it seem like I was the culprit! She knew that Kendal found out she'd kill her as she knew karate and she was still quite popular, so logically Kendal took her side. They stopped talking to me for months and the rumours still continued but Kendal realised it was actually Carmen's wrong doing. When Kendal was finally going to confront her about it, she made a huge scene in school and her plan backfired so Kendal look like some crazy bitch!"
I had to stop right there, I didn't want to cry, it still hurt to talk about even though it was a while ago. Neymar put his arms around me and David just remained silent.
"When we started college Carmen apologised and we forgave her, we didn't want a repeat of year 10 and year 11 so we turned the blind eye. She stiill stole guys away from us, but that was better than her spreading false shit about us."
"Why would you be friends with such a person after all of that?" David asked softly.
"Because that was the only way to not so miserable life in school, after we finished school she was actually a decent person... well that's what I thought."
David continued to stroke Kendal's hair.

So we have discovered more of Kendal's past... not what you were expecting. Sorry for the lack of Kendal/David, I'll try as much to repay for that but I felt like this was very necessary.
Also, I started to listen to Britney Spear recently and found a song that reminds of Kendal and David's relationship it's called Radar, have a listen.
Plus, I am overwhelmed with all the support of my story. Thank you so much!


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