Revenge Feels Much More Like Limping - Chapter Thirty-Three

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*Nobody's POV*

With the texts there where images attached: the first one was one Neymar touching Kendal's boob in front of uncle Phil after an older game, the second was Neymar was grinding on Kendal on the practice field, the third was of both of the balcony at the party and the last past one was of the two kissing.

Kendal opened her mouth but no words were coming out.


"I.. I don't what to say." squeaked Kendal

"Just tell me why."

"It's not like I wanted this to happen."

"Really? Because in those pictures it seems like you were more than happy to partake."

"I tried to tell you but you didn't want to hear any of it."

"When you didn't try hard enough."

"Oh trust me, I did." she sighs "The day after the Brazil vs Colombia game I went to visit Neymar-"

"Please, I don't want to hear it-"

"No, let me continue." he sighs and rolls his eyes "I visited him, and that's when he kissed me, obviously I ran out of his apartment afterwards, then you called I tried to tell you what happened but everytime I mentioned his name, you dropped it and changed the subject, then we had that lovely dinner. What was I supposed to say 'Thanks for dinner but I happened to kiss one of your closest friends which also happens to be your teammate?" she said sharply. "I'm sorry for the way that came out."

"When did this start?" he asked

"What do you mean, I told you he kissed me the day after the Brazil/Colombia game."

"Yes, but people don't just kiss you out of nowhere. These pictures were obviously in some chronogical order."

"He has made passes at me for about 2-3 weeks now."

"That long? And I haven't even noticed anything? I mean sometimes I noticed some things, like the time you uncomfetable when me and your friend came over to you guys, but I ignored it because I thought I was overreacting or being paranoid so I turned the blind eye but I should have followed my instinct and spoken up. Wait..." David came to a sudden realisation.


"That day when you were telling Neymar to get off of you, did he really have a spider or was something else going on." Kendal remained silent. "The least you could do is answer my question!"

"Yes." she moaned "Yes, he was talking about how he can't stop thinking about me and he really wanted to kiss me, I told him to drop it and to leave me alone, I started to walk off, so he dragged me back to sure I would stay. Then that's you guys heard me shouting at him to get off of me. I didn't want to start fuss and uncle Phil is pretty biased, so I told you guys he had a spider and was putting it down my shirt. Which is stupid I'm not afraid of spiders at all... I could practically kill and possibly even eat them in my sleep."

"So how did he know what to say when I spoke to him?"

"I texted him in advance."


"Yeah, my brothers, Gerard and Tyler knew I was lying, they haven't stop hounding me for questions ever since it happens."

"Well that's your problem."


"No, I should have of known this was going to happen for a while now."


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