Uncle Phil - Chapter Two

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*Kendal's POV*

And at that moment I could swear I saw the most perfect guy ever, and now I know why Carmen loved Oscar so much, he was such a cutie. The curly-haired man just turned around quickly and walked off I didn't even get to see his face...


"Is this real life?" Carmen said whilst trying to get her breath back. I was just as breathless as her, but then I snapped back into reality to that Oscar was really confused, if not confused just really weirded out.

"C'mon Car, I think he's gonna think we're nuts if we continue to stare any longer" I drag Carmen towards Adriana.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe we met Oscar and I stood there blubbering like a fish! I didn't even ask if he could sign my top?! You're supposed to be my friend, why didn't help me out? You were just as pointless as I was?!" said Carmen in a huge puff.

"Well, I guess I was also overwhelmed, I mean I knew he was attractive but not THAT attractive! I swear I could have died!! And also, it would have literally been impossible for him to sign your top... Don't you realise how short it is, it's practically a bra?!" I say reasoning with Carmen. I believe Oscar was still shaken up by the situation. He was flustered and like he was trying to gather his thoughts all of a sudden the curly-haired guy came rushing to Oscar.

"Hey! What are you still doing here, I believe we are the last of the Brazilian team to arrive-" He says in Portuguese, then Oscar cuts him off. 

"Wait, even Neymar arrived before us?!"

"Yes! He did, now hurry Felipão is stressed enough already, we are the hosting nation! Let's GO! VAMOS!" Felipão? That's Uncle Phil, right? I'm pretty sure that's what he's known as over here.

"It's a shame Neymar arrived earlier," said Ana a bit too loud and then Oscar and his friend turned around and holy fucking shit! He was cute, fuck Oscar, Carmen could have him all to herself he was perfection. I'm not even going to lie was accent was like his face... Really hot! I laughed to myself at how rubbish that comparison was, I was a bit jet-lagged okay. 

Oscar spoke, breaking my thoughts. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go, they're crazy!!" I screwed my face up and opened my mouth at the fact he called us crazy. Oscar start drags his friend away, he didn't say anything he just smirked and walked away. It was literally to sexiest thing ever! Trying to remain calm, I screamed internally, I see Adriana and Carmen frowning. 

"Hey, what's up with the faces?!" They simply sighed.

"Car got to meet Oscar, that's not fair!!" This was quite hilarious, she looked like a six-year-old who had their favourite toy taken away.

"I would hardly call that a meet and greet, he thought that we were nuts!"

"Yes, and now I've ruined any chance with him whatsoever!" said Carmen storming off. I swear I have the most immature friends ever!

"C'mon girls, let's just head over to our hotel already. We're in Brazil for crying out loud, let's celebrate whilst we can. I just want to leave this stupid airport, like now."

*The Next Day*

"Girls! Wake up!" I said whilst jumping on the bed. They groan. Carmen fell asleep in Adriana's room last night.

"What time is it?!" mumbled Adriana throwing her pillow at me.

"9 o'clock, why?"


"Well tough luck! This is payback for yesterday and besides, I'm going to see my uncle Phil. I haven't seen him since I was 9 years old, he's going to be so surprised when he sees me. My dad told him I was here and he told my dad that I could visit him anytime, so I might as well visit before our holiday becomes crazy!" My dad and he are cousins, they used to be so close were they were kids but my dad moved to London and uncle Phil's career in football started to flourish, so they slowly drifted apart.

"Anyways, he's the Brazilian manager so you have the chance to redeem yourself!" As soon as they heard that they both shot up. "So, let's get ready!"

I decided to wear my Brazilian Jersey, I had two jerseys one had 'Kendal' written across it and the other 'Cavalcante-Dias'

"'Cavalcante-Dias' or 'Kendal?'" holding both jerseys up.

"'Kendal' sorry your last name is way too long," says Carmen.

"Says to the girl's whose surname is Lloyd-Hamilton"

"Whatever" she scoffed.

"Personally, I think should go with the one with your surname. It's more nostalgic as your uncle would remember your dad's last name and it makes you more obscure. There are going to be a tonne of reporters so I could you imagine but it looks like with three random girls trying to visit the Brazilian manager?" said Adriana.

"Wow, I never really thought about that... so 'Cavalcante-Dias' it is, thank you Ana" I wore my jersey, and I also chose the number 4, I simply chose it because I was born on the 4th of November; Original right? Yeah, not really but I didn't want to be like everyone else and have a jersey that had the damn number 10 at the back. I wore my denim shorts and navy blue vans to go with it and made sure my hair was nice and straight. I sprayed a bunch of anti-frizz on it and prayed my hair would last for the entire day. The girls wore their England ones with shorts, Carmen wore sandals and Ana also wore Vans.

*At the training ground*

There was a guy sitting at a desk who looked as if he was about fall asleep.

"Speak English?" I said he shot up immediately, looking a bit discombobulated he nodded. I could've spoken to him in Portuguese but I didn't want the others to think I was hiding anything from them.

"I'm here to see Phil Scolari"

"You err have appointment?"  he said in a thick Brazilian accent. 

"Um yes, I'm family?" I hoped that worked.

He stared at me for a while and then said: "Just continue to go straight and on the left, you see a door the leads to the pitch, I'm err pretty sure he's there."
"Thank you so much." I pretty much ran off, I was pretty anxious to see him it had been so long! I didn't realise that I how much I actually missed him. He was talking to some of the players, he lifted up his face but looked a bit angry. I think he was angry at me. Now I was a bit nervous.

"What have I told João about allowing fans to get on the pitch?! What type of security guard is he?!" When I heard his voice the fear left my body, and my eyes started to water.

"UNCLE PHIL! IT'S ME!!" I ran over to him to give him a hug not caring about knocking into a player. He stared at me a bit, and then his eyes lit up.

"Oh Kenny, is that you?!" says Uncle Phil hugging me back

"Oh yes, it's me!" I said whilst shedding tears of happiness.

"No way, look at you! You're so big now, big?! Of course, you are, you're a woman now."

"Oh stop it!" I wiped the tears off my face.

"How old are you now? 20, 21?!

"No, I'm going to turn 24 this year."

"24?! Do you mean to tell me that Kalum is already 21?!!

"Yeah." I started to laugh at how Uncle Phil was reacting to all of this.

"Oh my goodness, I feel so old!" He pulled me for another hug.

The player I knocked down got up slowly he said "Uncle Phil?"

And then realised, he was curly haired sex god I met yesterday, he gave me the same smirk that made my heart melt.


I hoped you enjoy that, there is much much more to come! Please vote and Add to Library for quick updates.


**Edited 10/01/23

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