Brunch and Skype Calls - Chapter Nineteen

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*David's POV:*

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and switched off the lights.

She is such a tease.


*the following morning in Kendal's POV*

I was suprised I woke up before David, I was pretty tired yesterday I just hope I didn't give him blue balls >.> but I was actually tired and I didn't want to fall asleep in the middle of kissing him, I guess the fight wore me down. I turned over to see that David was still asleep, he looked so adorable.

I suddenly heard the sound of my phone vibrating, I slowly moved David arm trying not to wake him up, I answered my phone without checking Caller ID.

I place the phone on my ear. "Hello?"

"HI!!!" shouted two voices

"Ow! What the fuck?" I moved the phone from ear, and I realise I'm on Skype video call with Tyler and Gerard. Yup, I was also still friends Tyler, we did date but we remained on cool terms and Gerard was another great friend that I met through school, he was also an arty person it was cool to have a male friend interested in art. We completed an Art Foundation together and no he's not gay. I just realised I was still was only in my bra and underwear and they could see my boobs.

They both wolf whistled.

I covered myself with my free hand.

"I really don't see the point of covering up I've already seen them, I mean we did go out." smirked Tyler

"And I've walked into you half naked so many times in uni, it doesn't really phase me at all." Gerard also started laughing.


"There is something called a door lock" said Gerard.

"And there's also something called knocking a door, whatever let me put on a shirt." I put my phone down, and looking for a random shirt to wear.

"ARE YOU A BEAVER BECAUSE DAAAAAAAAAAAAM, GURL!" I heard Tyler shout, I guess they could see my bum and Tyler was still as immature as usual.

I quickly put on a t-shirt and ran back to my phone.

"Could you lower your voice, some people are still trying to sleep??" I was referring to David, I didn't want him to wake up right away.

"Yes, I think we realised you had someone with you and still trying to sleep? A bit too late don't you think??" remarked Gerard.

"There is something called a timezone? It's only 8:30 here."

"Oh right, I totally forgot about that."

"So how's your holiday Miss I'm-too-busy-fucking-football-players-to-call-my-dearest-friends. I'm very hurt you know." Tyler pretended to be in pain.

"First of all, I've haven't fucked him-"

"Then how do you explain the bruises on face, does he like it rough??" Tyler wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, it was Carmen... stupid bitch"

"Don't tell me you let her fuck you up!!" yelled Gerard. Gerard wasn't too keen her to begin with, he always had a vendetta against her, I could understand why now.

"Of course not, I didn't let those karate lessons go to waste." I gave them a smug smile.

"What the hell happened? not that I care about her she had it coming for a long time." he proclaimed. This is why loved Gerard so much.

Accidental (David Luiz)Where stories live. Discover now