Tatyana Solis - Chapter Fifteen

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Author Note: I know I usually do this at the end of chapter but I felt this was important towards the story. Tatyana Solis is loosely based on Rebecca Loos. When I was young I believe around 2004, she came into the headlines because she claimed that David Beckham was in an extra-marital relationship with her and she was his 'alternate' wife, but David only hired her as a personal assistant socially and professionally. She basically tried to ruin David & Victoria's marriage but Victoria said these claims only made their relationship stronger and then she was pretty much hated by the British public and she's probably in a hole right now doing whatever the fuck she does. OMG! I just realised they had the same name and no that's not the reason why I chose to create Tatyana for this story. :P

*David's POV*

"Kendal!" she ran back into the bathroom and locked the door.
Thanks a lot Tatyana.
I don't know what Kendal heard but I know it sounded bad under any circumstance. I realised I was still on the phone to Tatyana and phone the on my ear again.
"Trouble in paradise?" she started to crackle, yes crackle.
"Just piss off." I hung up.
I decided not to knock after Kendal to give her some breathing space, forcing her to open the door will just make the situation worse. I just hope she won't be scared off like the rest.

*Kendal's POV*

David lost a baby?
If so, why would it be his fault?
We're they in a domestic violent relationship?
No! That can't be the case that would have been all the headlines, but the again footballers have a lot of money to sue reporters and newspapers for being libel.
This goes to show I don't know David for as long as I should of and there is much more to uncover.
Or maybe I'm overthinking this? There has to be a logical explanation.
How long ago was this? Is this quite recent, I could of sworn I heard David let her name slip a week ago...
However, one thing I was certain about was I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever, I'm starting to get really cold in here.
Okay let me just be a big person about this just head back to the room.
I unlock the door, and slowly exit the bathroom. David is just sitting on the edge of the bed, he's looks up at me with an unreadable facial expression.
"So are you going to tell what that was all about?".
He sighed and started to compose himself.
"I don't where to start."
"Well the beginning would be a great start."

*David's POV*

"I don't where to start."
When I said that, I didn't know whether I was talking to Kendal or myself. How do you explain someone about something that has been going for the last four years of my life.
"Well the beginning would be a great start."
I started to think about what I was going to say, every time I opened my mouth it would shut again.
"I would like to clarify one thing before I start, I am not an abuser. I know for the phone it sounded otherwise."
She looked at me and then sat next to me with a sad smile.
"I just want my mind to be at rest, ever since I heard that a million and one thoughts have been going through my mind."
"Well okay... When I was playing for Benefica. I met her at a charity event with the team about 4 years ago. If you're wondering why she was there, she's a socialite who's very popular in Spain and Portugal. When I saw her I instantly fell for her... thinking about it now I was only fell for her because her looks." I grimaced at the thought of her.
"I asked her if she wanted to go out sometime, but she declined she said wanted go for someone with of more high profile, understandable since she's a socialite. Benfica is quite popular but not as popular the other European teams such as Barcelona, Bayern Munich, PSG, Real Madrid etc I accepted it, but in 2011 randomly she told me that she'll accept, and first I was over the moon but then I realised why she found out I'm moving to Chelsea."
Kendal looked me in disbelief.
"I got over it quickly and we seem happy anyway, we moved to London together. It was hard at first since I didn't know how speak to English-"
"It's surprising because you speak it really well even if you speak it with that Brazilian accent of yours, I think it's sexy." she gave a me smirk.
I hated it when I blushed but I could help it.
"Er, Thank you. I didn't know how to speak English but I really liked where life was going at that period of time. The following year is when things started to go wrong. Chelsea had won the UEFA Champions League in 2012 which meant more popularity, more celebrations and more events to attend. Tatyana started to get known more, and then she started to live a reckless lifestyle. Club after club after club, it was nonstop. Then she started to cheat, I told her the relationship was over and but she always found a way to slither her way back into my life. But each time we started again but became much worse. It was just a on-again, off-again relationship so when we did split it was nothing serious. One day she came over in a state and told me she was pregnant, at first I was scared she wasn't who I had visioned being the mother of my kids but if it was in God's plan, then it's fine.
The first few weeks were fine, she took it easy but then she started to party again. I questioned her occupation and told to reconsider since we have a child on the way, and it wasn't really a stable job, I would have enough money to provide for the three of us and she became livid, she started to make all sorts of accusations like I was treating her like a 1950s housewife and she had a own free will. She started to sleep around with other men again and sometimes even women, I found out when one of her hookups came knocking on our door. At that point I was officially done with her, I was only with her for the babies sake and then dawned to me that the child may not even be mine.
She still attended club openings, events and parties. I had enough of it but I couldn't really do anything because the football was starting again so I was always at training but I took matters in my own hands and booked an appointment for her. She was unwilling but she went told me everything was fine, I was sketchy at first but then I let it go and she continued her regular lifestyle.
A couple of weeks later I got a call from the hospital about Tatyana, I got there and they told me that lost the baby-"
"Oh David!" Kendal jumped onto me a gave me a hug, I was appreciative of hug, it was very hard to talk about it as I haven't actually told anyone the full story
"Please, let me finish."
"You don't have to continue, I've heard enough!" Kendal was in tears at the moment.
"No, I have to tell you everything." I tried to compose myself but also ended up crying.
"Well, I thought it was miscarriage, I found out that she got a backstreet abortion and she was only in hospital due to the complications of the treatment because she didn't want any hospital records showing that she got an abortion, she was trying hide it from me and also wanted to sue the one who gave the procedure. When I confronted her about it she didn't even deny it! She said her work is too important and becoming a mother would ruin her because she would loose her body and her reputation-" I stopped myself because I don't think I could stay as strong, I didn't want to breakdown in front of Kendal. She just hugged me tighter and patted my hair.
"That's when I obviously kicked her out for good, she was 4 months and half pregnant... I was supposed to have a little boy."
"Please David stop! You're torturing yourself!"
I ignored her "She became bitter and started to make libel and slander claims against me, they weren't taken seriously but it still hurt. Now every girl I've been with is scared off by her, she makes it seem like I'm some sort domestic abuser, she says she'll ruin me for nearly ruining her and they can't help but run away. I mean the look on your face, you looked like you were in pure terror, Kendal!" I got up and started to pace the room.
She also got up and faced me "Yes, I admit I was freaked out a bit but when you explained it was fine!"
"Do you think they cared about an excuse? My girlfriend ran off so fast I didn't even get to here the phrase 'We're over' before I left and came to Brazil, sometimes I wonder why God put me through that, but then you're the only one hasn't ran off so maybe that's his way on testing whether you're the one."
She hugged me again.
"In life, you have to kiss a couple of frogs before you meet your prince, in your case... princess."
"Just promise me one thing." I held her hands.
"Don't leave me."
"I don't count on doing so."
She leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips.


Oh my! Crazy bitch number two has been uncovered! Poor David, I would have posted earlier but my mum keeps on pestering me to complete my drivers' licence so I can become her personal driver, no thank you! I have a question to ask... are the themes in this story too dark, if so should I tone it down? Thank you, I'll update soon.


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