In Retrospective - Chapter Forty-Nine

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*Kendal's POV*

I know right, I think you can pay extra to get our seats changed.

Ana: Really? Then I'm willing to pay any price!

Haha, same.

How was supposed to explain to David that in about 72 hours, and that I'll be boarding a flight to London?


I was currently laying on my bed thinking about the possible ways to explains to David that I would be leaving in a couple of days.

I decided to go over to Ana's and see how she was doing, I mean it has been a while since I've had some girly talk and it would stop her leaving messages on my phone and get her to stopping getting over people to pester me.

I knocked on her door and waited for her to open.

"Hey girl."

"Kendal!" She hurried towards the door and pulled me in. "So you do know how to read."

"Um, yeah? Of course, what do you mean?" I laughed at her.

"I've been texting you like crazy."

"Oh right, sorry about that. Even if I was on my phone I probably wouldn't and couldn't of been able to reply."

"Yeah because you were too busy do something with a certain someone." She teased.

"Oh please." I took one of the pillows and playfully hit her with it.

"Ow." She whined.

"That was a pillow how could that of possibly hurt?"

"Trust me, I've seen pillow fights go wrong."

"What on YouTube?" I raise an eyebrow.


"You truly are something else." I looked around her room and noticed how clean and organised it, almost like it was the condition of the room like when we came here in early June. Crazy to think that 2 months had passed so fast and now we in late August. "You have been doing soon or are you charging extra for room service?"

"A bit of both, to be honest. I've packed half of things, I'm taking it really slow making sure that I don't leave anything behind." I felt my stomach tie into knots when I heard the word 'pack' and 'leave'. "Ken?"


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shook my head, but Ana look unconvinced. "Well, I'm just surprised with now fast time flew. Isn't crazy to thing at a week today I would be stuck in an office all day."

"You've sure chirped up from last week, you practically wanted to go at that instant."

"Yeah well." I shrugged my shoulders. "Stuff happen and things change."

"And that thing is really good sex."

"I'm going to ignore that."

"But I am lying?"

"No... but besides that David is really fun person to hang out with, he even makes staring at a window all day a fun thing to do."

"Awww." Ana held her hands together. "I'm guessing you sorted out all the little dramas you had to deal with."

"I've sorted out the problem that I care about the ones and would have a greater effect on me if not, I've left it unsolved."

"So what I'm hearing is that you haven't spoke to Neymar yet."

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