The Truth of the Lie - Chapter Thirty-Four

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*Nobody's POV*

She could feel the tear drops continue to fall from her face, she took out her phone and dialled the first number she could think of. "Pick me up please."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Just pick me up please." she said calmly, she really didn't want have a breakdown in the middle of the street.

"Where are you?"

"I'm outside David's apartment."

"...Okay. I'll call you when I get there."

"Thank you."


"You must an excellent reason for dragging me out here at 11 o'clock in the evening in a country I can barely understand, they don't even drive on the left side of the road. Actually to be fair, I think the UK is one of the only countries that drive on the left." he joked, he looked up and saw Kendal's face. "Oh my, get in."

"I'm sorry I called, we just had so much fun today and I told you about what's going on I think I could only take a lift from you, Gerard. Where the directions I gave you hard to follow?" (LOL, it wasn't Neymar guys.)

"No, it was just reading the street and roads names was hard. Now tell me what's going on." he opened the passenger seat, she sat down and took a deep breath.

"I got a call from one of the team mates..."

"Right..." Gerard nodded along to what she was saying motioning for her to continue 

 "They told me that David was acting up and that I should talk to him before he does something stupid before or after the game."

"Yes, and...?"

"This happened literally 20 minutes after you left me, I went over to his apartment and I... he..." she held her breath.

"He what?"

"I caught him in bed with a fucking whore." she broke down again, Gerard pulled her in for a hug.

"Oh Kendal."

"Why would he do that to me? I know what I did was bad but the fact he actually did that and I can't even lie to myself and say he was drunk because he perfectly aware of what he did, the panic in his eyes when he saw me. Why would a drunk person run after me?"

"So what do you want me to do? I could easily rough him up for you." Kendal started to laugh.

"Oh Gerard, if I wanted to see him beaten up I could and would have done it myself, and you're not the best when it comes to fighting. I'll leave the cold cutting insults and lies for you, but thanks it's the thought that counts." she gave him a half smile.

"So what now?"

"I don't know, I never thought he would be that type of guy you know..."

"Mmm yeah."

"At the end, all they want is sex, they just work it in different ways for it." Gerard remained silent and continued to drive. "This holiday rent-a-car is really cute, I really should have got one, I think I've spent half of my money on taxis."

"Yeah, that's exactly why I got this, it was pretty expensive to hire but its worth it at the end." she nodded and the looked straight ahead. The conversation fell flat for a couple of minutes but then Kendal thought of something and a smirk grew on her face.

"Wait." she held Gerard's hand tightly which caused for him to hold the handbrake and stop the car.

"What?!" he panted

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