Help of a Friend - Chapter Nine

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*Kendal's POV*

I start to walk from her but she yanks my hair hard and due to the fact that I'm wearing heels, I'm unable to balance myself and I fall onto the floor with a huge thud.


*Adriana's POV*i

Ken, what was right. Carmen was just simply jealous, the only reason why she was here was to attract as guys as possible and then dump their arses when she was bored and found a new chew toy to play with.
"You clearly know that I'm a virgin so I don't know why the hell you'd say that but there a lot of important people here so I'm just going to forget you said that." I loved the fact Kendal always acted as the bigger person and didn't allow anything to get her guard. Oh my gosh! What is Carmen doing?! and before I knew it Kenny's head had hit the floor.
"You're such an embarrassment!" I ran over to Kendal.
"Doll, are you okay?" what a stupid question is that? Of course she wasn't.
"Ow... Head really hurts." she said in a soft tone.
"Shhh, just sit here, I'll figure something out. Just try to relax."
Look over to see where Carmen was but she was nowhere to be found... I just hoped one of the boys will turn up soon and help me.

*David's POV*

It was pretty late, so a couple of the guys and I were making our way back the table and call it a night and then Carmen? came running towards me. She put her face on my chest and starting to cry, I didn't know what to do.
"Oh David" she cried "Kendal just punched me." I didn't really didn't believe what I've told. Kendal would not have done that unless she was provoked.
"What did you do to her?"
"I-I didn't do anything, please take me home. I am s-scared"
"Where is Kendal now?" I could see her start to panic
"Why does it matter anyway, she's a crazy bitch. Let's go" said in an angry tone. So much for being upset.
"I need to get my things for the table."
"Leave it and follow me-"
"I'll do what I want, Neymar come with me." We started to walk off, I looked around to see if anyone was around.
"I don't believe a word she says but I know for sure something fishy is going on."
"I get what you mean, Kendal has to watch out of that friend of hers... I was talking to her and Adriana earlier and as soon I told I going to speak to Kendal it's like she changed into a different character."
"Re-" Adriana had running towards us, she looked like she was in a state.
"Oh thank goodness you guys are here, it's Kendal-"
"What happened?!"
"I don't know, Carmen started to go crazy and started to talk a lot of nonsense but Kendal didn't want to cause a scene, so she walked off but Carmen pulled her hair and she was unable to balance herself and hit her head on the floor pretty hard. The floor has to made of glass tiles or something!"
"So where is she now?"
"She's laying on the chairs, she passed out due to the trauma, now please help me!"
Neymar and I ran off to the table, luckily more of the dinner guests had left... we really can't deal with the bad publicity, but it wouldn't be too late rumours we start form.
"Oh my..." Kendal looked lifeless on the seat, I walked toward and saw dried blood on her forehead.
"Come on let's take her." Neymar patted my shoulder. I carried her bridal style over to the entrance.
"I'm gonna take over to my apartment and then take over to hospital early in the morning, see you later."
Adriana and Neymar waved, I placed her into car and then drove off.


I'm sorry that this was more of a filler chapter and really short, it was really hard to write, but I assume that next chapter will be better. I'm still away, I'll be back on Wednesday. 270+ reads?! AMAZING!!


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