Accidental - Chapter Forty-Seven

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*Kenton's POV*

"I never did hate you, I was just shocked about it all and for you to say something like that... and I just didn't want to be called a hypocrite because I am..."

"Shh, shh, shh." I silenced her. "Forget about that and let's enjoy the moment we're having right now."


"It's funny..." I spoke up.

"What is?" Kendal sat up and faced me

"How little things we don't even think twice about can have to such a huge on what happens in the future..."

"Yeah... Do you think if didn't go to Kalum's apartment that day you wouldn't be in the situation you're in now."

"Yes, without a doubt."

"Hmm..." Kendal scrunched up her face in thought.

"What are you hmmming about."

"Nothing, I just think it's funny that you think about it."

"And why is that funny?"

"It's funny that you're dwelling on that, I mean what's the point of thinking about what's in the past, something that you couldn't possibly change not matter now hard you try."

"I wouldn't exactly say that I'm dwelling on it, so you're trying to try the thought 'If I had knew or had known or If I only could change" before in your life?"

"Oh of course I have but that's just so stupid, but I try to move on from the situation and make the best of it because that's all you can do."

"So if you change what happened this summer? Would you?"

"There you go again with the would yous?"

"Sorry but I'm just curious." She straightened herself up and her face squeezed in thought again.

"Although there are one or two moments that I would like to have gone differently but nope I wouldn't anything." She shook her head as half a smile grew on her face.

"Really?" Kendal nodded her head.

"I don't think many things would have changed to be quite fair."

"Really? I know must sound like a broken record, I'm just really intrigued in why said that... Don't you you think that was... I don't know... Kind of like accidental?" (Ba dum tsh - drum line. Sorry I needed to put it in there, you guys know the sound where a really bad joke has been told.)

"Accidental? (Ba dum tsh) no, thinking about it now I actually think it was inevitable."

"Inevitable? Are you even su-"

"Sure I am, I wouldn't use a word I don't know the meaning of in a sentence."

"They why are you so certain things would have been similar or not would have changed as much."

"Because I am a Greek goddess, that's why." I looked directly Kendal, was this girl serious? She then burst out laughing about a couple of seconds. "You know I'm joking right? And I say this because I was always going to visit uncle Phil. Whether it was before, in the middle or right at the end of the World Cup I definitely would of when to visit him, and I would of surely made sure I would come at a time when I knew when was coaching so I could maybe get the Seleção to sign my jersey without having a clue of whom half of the players were." She admitted.

"So I guess you were correct to say that... Little did you know that you would get more that a couple of signed jerseys." I wiggled my eyebrows. "Why couldn't we had a relative that was the founder of Victoria's Sercet or something, maybe I could of in a position as you."

Accidental (David Luiz)Where stories live. Discover now