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They are fighting, yet again. Great, just great. I took a breath and walked out of my room, carrying the last box in my hands. I see my parents going at it. They shout loudly and cuss at each other, I can't stand it. Not anymore. Even at last they have to act like that, not even this last day can it be peaceful.

" Dad, Mom. "

I spoke but they didn't hear me. They never do. I had enough of this for the past months, years of them just verbally abusing and using each other.

" Stop. "

I speak up a bit louder but they continue. I bend down and leave the box I am holding on the flour before I get between them. To finally stop them.

" Enough. "

I scream and push them away from each other, getting their attention at last. I take a few breaths so I can get away from the tension that is built inside me. I turn to my mom. 

" Mom, can you please take the last box and go out? I am coming right after you, just need to talk with dad. "

I say as calmly as I can and she approaches me, reaching to touch me.

" My child. "

She says with an unfamiliar sweet tone in her voice but I step back and look at her with a cold and serious expression. I had enough.

" Mom now. "

It came out harsher than I intended to but I am losing any bit of control and calmness I have and I'm so close to breaking down and crying my eyes out. But instead, I take a few deep breaths. No, not this time. I have to remain calm. I can see the anger in her eyes but she forces a big smile instead and gets out without any other word. As if she would have helped me. Why do I even try? Even after all these years, I know she would never help.

Who said that a kid should live with their mother? Clearly, they never met my mom. But what justice can you get when she can so easily manipulate everything with her family's money. Old money. Dad was accused of everything, they fabricated everything making it seem like we were a perfect family and dad just broke us up with his cheating. Spoiler, we were always broken. Both of them cheated constantly on each other.

Okay, maybe I am overdoing it. Mom is not that bad, she just lives on her own, little, bubbly planet. Why do I always have to find an excuse? Dad on the other hand is more down-to-earth as much as ironic it sounds, he is. He is always there for me in one way or another. At least he tried.

And we come to today, the day I move in with my mom in a new house, on the other side of the town. Where the rich people live. I will change school, well that is not that bad, didn't have many friends anyway and dad is always gone.

" So, I'm leaving. "

I say a bit awkwardly and I push a painful smile. I have this weird, confusing feeling that I can not explain.

" Are you sure you want to go with this WHORE? "

He yells loudly, in the end, so mom can hear. I don't know if she heard it or no but thank God, she didn't get in again. I will not take another fight. I am sick and tired of them fighting. 

" Either I want it or not, I have to. "

I look down. Of course, it hurts me to move away from him even if he was almost gone most of the time. He's not the best but he is my dad. 

" Look, we can go back in court and make it all over again because I will not let my kid live with this WHORE. "

He yells again at the end and looks at the door expecting mom to rush in but she didn't, I look back and then at him. It's hopeless.

" I will not go through the same thing again dad and how are you going to win my custody? Be thankful they even let me see you on the weekends. "

Dad looks down. He knows I'm right and I hate it that I am right. I wish there was another way. I wish I didn't have to be the strong one in this situation. I am a kid but I never get to be one. 

" Dad, I promise that I will visit you every single weekend as it is said. "

His whole face lit up and he looked at my eyes once again, his excitement made me smile too.

" Okay but remember the rule. "

" I will. "

After some seconds of awkwardly looking at each other, I take a step back, take the box from where I left it, and leave the house. I get in my mom's car. I look out the window, I look at the house I grew up in one last time. I will miss it because it was a familiar place but at the same time, I won't. I have almost nothing good to remember. My mom places her hand onto mine and gets me out of my thoughts, I look at her confused. She acts so strangely today.

" Are you ready for our new life? "

Nothing came out of my mouth, I didn't even know what to say. I move away from my hand and look away. She just starts the car without any other words. We were on the road for about two hours. When we arrive I take the boxes out of the car while my mom is talking on her phone. It doesn't matter because the things are mine, anyway. I move them to my room. My new room. The new house is huge and my room is bigger than my old one by two times. I sit on the wrapped new bed but it's not the same, it doesn't have this familiar smell of a home. I hear my mom on the stairs and she walks into my room. 

" Melanie, I will go take a shower and then I am living. You take your time to get comfortable. "

Mom says without taking her eyes off her phone screen, standing in the doorway. I stood up from the bed in surprise and protested at the same time.

"Is it something important? Can't you stay? I was hoping maybe we..."

Before I could even manage to finish, she laughed out loud stopping me. I look at her confused, why is she laughing? I didn't say anything funny? Few moments pass by and she laughs again, she is clearly not paying any attention to me nor to what I said.

"Mom. "

I breathe out annoyed and she let her eyes fall on me, acknowledging my presents.

" What were you saying, sweetheart? "

I just roll my eyes and turn my back to her, pretending I am looking for something, in reality, I just didn't wanna look at her. What did I even expect?

" I said, have fun. "

" I will "

With that, she left my room. I let a deep breath, it's fine. Trying to avoid any thoughts I got right into unboxing. At some point, I heard the front door close and I knew she was gone, I didn't expect her to sit and help me out, I wanted her but I know my mom. I was hoping at least she could stay here and we could talk. I am not very comfortable yet being on my own in such a big house.

The night came and my stomach was raging, I checked the cabinets and the fridge but there was nothing there. I don't even know any place that I can order from here, nor do I know the address. I would get out to buy something but I don't have keys. I don't think I am eating tonight. I will just sleep and from tomorrow I will see what I will do.

In my sleep I start hearing strange noises, my eyes open and it is still there, not a dream. Someone was trying to get in the house, my heart started racing. I am on my own, what do I do? I look around the room for anything to use as a weapon. I take the lamp from the nightstand and walk out of my room with small, scared steps. Why everything to me? I approached the door and to my surprise, I heard muffled singing in my moms' voice. I let out a breath and I relaxed, it's not a thief. I open the door to save her from this torture but she falls right into my arms and stinks of alcohol.

It will be a nice new life.


Spotify playlist: DADDY ISSUES by passionate_woman

Twitter: Audrey M. Grey aka greytheway

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