Chapter 4

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We r gonna have a small recap of what happened last chapter in the beginning. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Rose's POV


Three continuous shots filled the silence. We all jumped from the sounds scared for our lives. All of us are hiding in the closet trying not to make a sound with tears streaming down our face.

"Guys are you o-okay? It's okay to c-come out now." We hear Y/N say faintly in the distance.

We all peek out slowly to see Y/N's shoulder covered in blood with her holding it. But she looks a bit faint. She gets hit with reality when she looks at the blood around her.

She suddenly falls to her knees and we all rush to her aid. I peek outside to see a person laying on her floor in the living room. I gasp at the sight... they were laying in a pool of blood compared to what Y/N was bleeding.

But as Y/N is on the floor I prop her on my lap trying to keep pressure on her shoulder. I hear her speak up weakly "I-I know it's only been a short t-time since I meet you guys, but I just wanna say, it's been fun." She says with a chuckle. "Stay with us Y/N we all need you, please..." I hear Jisoo cry. But Y/N looks at her with disappointment "I might n-not be able to keep that promise." She says with a sad smile. "It was n-nice meeting all you, salanghae..." she says giving a smile before her whole body goes limp.

Everything went in slow motion. I realize what happened and start shaking her frantically. "Y/N get up! Get up this isn't funny!" I say with more tears going down my face. I shout for her more and so were the others tears streaming down there red cheeks.

I hear sirens howling through the street and then I see the police armed with guns come inside the house. They look at the person on the floor and check his pulse... the person checking shook his head... that person was dead...

But all I could think of was Y/N. I called them over to where we were. They checked her pulse "She has a pulse but it's very weak! We need the paramedics now!" He yells sternly to the other cops. As he says that, paramedics come flooding in with all these supplies and being Y/N on the stretcher...

Jisoo's POV

As they take Y/N inside the ambulance. We get in the car and rush to the hospital with them. We all follow Y/N on the stretcher while they push her to the lobby to the operation room.

I hear them say "We need to take out the bullet in her shoulder" "But sir she might not make it because of the blood loss it too-" I was cut off when they rushed through the doors and said we can proceed any further.

I look at all the other girls. We really are in bad shape, we all have tears going down our faces that are clearly red and everyone is covered in Y/N blood. But Rose, she had the most of Y/N blood on her, it was gruesome.

We all got into a group hug and cried together praying that Y/N get better. But now all we can do is hope for the best. 'Who knew cuddling together would lead to this...'

"Guys... I heard what one of the doctors said..." I say quietly. They all give me their attention. "From the amount of blood loss... she might not make it through the surgery" I say with more tears streaming down my face.

All the girls go into shock. They can't even cry anymore because of how much they cried. All we could do now was just wait for Y/N.

~Time Skip~

I hear the doors open from the waiting room...

"I have good news and bad news..."

Owo what's this a cliffhanger? It's three in the morning rn when I wrote this. I can't sleep. Someone send help. Like now.

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