Chapter 8

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Today is my 'date' with Nayeon if you can even call it that. We've been texting for a while which is a dream for me. 'Am I dreaming'

You ready for today?

Yup! Let's meet at the same caffe.

Okay! See you there!

As I came out of the room to go take a shower I got some clothes to wear.

(That's what your gonna wear)

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(That's what your gonna wear)

After the shower I got into the clothes and tried to go out the door but was blocked by Lisa.

"Where are you going?" She questions. "I'm going out." "Can I come with?" Lisa said excitedly. "No, you can't. I'm just going out." I mumbled. "Going out?! Is it a date?!" She screamed making the others look over to us. "You're going on a date!?" I shook my head and looked down in embarrassment. "It's not a date. But I'm going out." "No! You have to stay with us!" Lisa demanded. "Lisa, can you please move I'm going to be late. Just leave me be." I say being a little annoyed.

She doesn't budge at all so I pick her up bridal style and put her on the couch and walk out the door without saying a word and drive to the caffe.

Third POV

As the girls were still inside the house they start speculating who this 'date' Y/N was on. "Should we follow her?" Rose suggest. "That's too creepy." Jisoo added. "I guess we have to wait then." Jennie said feeling disappointed.

As you headed to the caffe Nayeon was already there sitting by the window. Surrounded by fans and paparazzi. You sat in front of her causing her to jump a little.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting the girls were trying to keep me home." You say with embarrassment.

"It's fine. I knew you would come." She said while taking a sip of her drink.

"So, you wanna go somewhere we're their aren't many people?" I asked seeing how many people here were around us.

"Sure!" She said smiling.

With that we got up and went to my car. I opened the door for her being a gentlewomen earning a giggle from her. As I get into the car we drive off to the beach.

~Time Skip to the beach~

When we got to the beach there were little people there so we should be fine.

As we got out of the car we headed to the sand. I took off my adidas and rolled up my jeans and went into the sand. Nayeon also took off her shoes but she was already wearing shorts.

I took her hand in mine causing her to blush so she looked down. "Don't look down. You look cute when you blush." I say with a smile. She blushes even more and I giggle at her cuteness. As we get to the water it was perfect, it wasn't too hot not too cold.

As we run in the water I trip in the water causing me to get all wet. Luckily we put our things in the sand. Nayeon laughs at me causing me to blush from embarrassment. I take off all the sweaters and jackets I was wearing leaving me in a white t-shirt.

It was see through so it showed everything because it was wet. So of course you can see my bra and abs. (I wish I had abs.)

"Y/N! Y-Your shirt is s-see through!" She said looking away. "Why are you looking away? Am I that unflattering?" I ask looking down. "N-No..." she said still looking away. I went to the sand where we put our stuff and sat there watching the sunset.

Nayeon sat beside me looking at the sunset too.
We sat in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was actually nice. 'I mean of course it is. You have Nayeon from twice next to you.'

I feel something warm on my hand I looked down to see Nayeon holding my hand. 'She's holding your hand. Okay don't freak out. CALM THE FUCK DOWN.' I gave the calmest smile I can do at the moment trying not to faint.

I hold her hand and scoot closer to her. "I didn't know if I should have asked you this earlier but..." she says looking down. "Are you dating anyone?" I chocked on air when she said that. It took me by surprised leaving me shocked. "No, sadly I'm alone. Though I think something is up with my group. They're ..." I pause a bit and look at Nayeon who is staring intensely at me. "Their clingy. So clingy to the point I had to force my way out the front door to be here." I say with a sigh.

Nayeon's POV

Y/N let's put a sigh looking distraught. I hold her hand tighter. "If you ever wanna get away... it can come over with us." I say. Y/N looks at me with confusion. "Us?" She said tilting her head. 'Cute'

"I meant Twice silly." I say giggling. I feel something on my waist and it's Y/N hand. I blush and move closer to Y/N closing the gap between us and putting my head on her shoulder.

Then at the same time we look at each other at the same time. I feel her pull me closer and the gap between our faces closes. I deepen the kiss by sitting on her lap and put my hands around her neck...

Jennie POV

The girls and I got tired waiting for Y/N so we went out. We went to go eat now we're gonna go to the beach to go watch the sunset. (You know where this is going)

When we got the beach I hear Lisa whimper. On the verged tears "Y/N...?" We look over to see not only Y/N but a girl sitting on her lap kissing her. We all stare in shock and sadness. "She never said it's a date..." I whispered enough for the girls to hear but it just made it worse for us. We all had tears go down our faces from heart break.

'Why would you do this to us...? We loved you...'

Oooooo you're gettin all da chicks and braking their hearts. I don't think I should congratulate you on that but idfc so CONGRATULATIONS YOU MADE BP CRY. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 okay I'm done. ✌🏻

Sʜᴇ's Mɪɴᴇ! // Blackpink x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now