Chapter 17

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"Hey ladies." I hear a guy voice say. I look up to see five guys surrounding us. "Can I help you?" I ask politely. "Yeah, can we get pictures?" One asked getting out his phone.

"Not right now. We're not in the right clothing right now." I say trying to turn them down. "It's okay. We just want a picture." The guy insisted.

I looked at the girls to see them uncomfortable. "Hold on a sec." I said getting up. I put on my shorts while the girls put on their coats. "Look. We can't take a picture right now." I said trying to shoo off the guy.

"Please?" The guy said grabbing onto my arm. "Let me go." I said sternly. "We just want a picture." He said holding onto my arm tighter.

"And I said we can't. Let me go." I said annoyed. "Guys?" The guy said. Before I could react I feel someone punch me in the stomach and a bag goes over my head. "Y/N!" I hear Jisoo yell but soon they sound muffled.

"Mhm!" I tried yelling but a guy puts their hand on my mouth. I bite his hand through the bag and I hear a groan. "Damn it!" He yelled. I feel a hard smack on my head before everything turns black.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to see something scary. All of our faces were posted against the wall. On the side of the walls, the ceiling, even the floor.

I hear quiet sobbing and I look over to see all the girls bound in chairs with their hand tied and I try to get up to them but I get yanked back.

I had chains wrapped around my wrist making me unable to move. "It's okay I'll get us out promise." I say trying to keep calm. They look at me with tear stained cheeks and nod.

The door busts open to reveal two guys. "You bastard! Get us out!" I demanded. "Shhh. That's not how you talk to your master." The 'leader' said coming up to me.

"Master my ass." I said retaliating. I was able to kick the guy in the crotch and he falls down. I repeatedly kick him while he was on the floor.

I was stopped before I could do anything more. The guy gets up all bloody faced making me wanna gag. "You bitch!" He yells slapping me in the face. I don't feel any pain. "You think that's gonna hurt?" I said in a scary tone.

He knees me in the stomach trying to hurt me. I fell the chains loosen on the wall. "A gun hits way harder." I spit at him. I see in the corner of my eye some guy grabs Lisa by the shoulder griping her hard.

"Stop! Don't hurt them!" I yelled making the dude look at me. He has an evil grin on his face. "You can do what ever you want with me... just don't hurt them." I plead.

"Y-Y/N..." I hear Lisa whimper. I give her a weak smile before the guy walks over to me. Since I was kneeling he got onto level with me.

"Awe. Little Y/N protecting her unnies." He said grabbing my cheeks with his hand. I try to suppress my rage. All I could do was obey, as long as they don't hurt them. I'm happy.

He travels his hands down further and further reaching my chest. I gulp before he gropes my boob making me tense. "Everything is fine." He said his other hand on my waist. He rubs my boob in circles while his other hand travels to my ass.

He gives both a light squeeze. I try not to make a peep but fail as always. I let out a tiny sound making the guy satisfied. He head a smug smile across his face actually trying to make me break.

I was to embarrassed to even look up at anyone. I felt so weak that I couldn't get out of these chains and fight. 'I always fail at everything...'

This went on for about a couple of minutes before the door opens. "We have people over." A guy says. The guy touching me groans. "Don't make a sound sweetie." He said closing the door behind him.

"You g-guys okay?" I asked not being able to wrap my head around what just happened.
"Y-Yeah. Are you okay?" Rosé asked me stuttering. I didn't respond for a couple of seconds.

"Y-Y/N?" I hear Rosé repeat. "Yeah... don't worry about me." I said not even looking up. "I'll make a bet with them." I said and from the movements from the chairs I'm guessing their looking at me. "Bet?" I hear Jennie mutter.

"Yeah, I don't wanna tell you since you're going to disagree with it." I said a bit sad.

'I'll sacrifice myself for you...'

I love cliffhangers... totally.

Sʜᴇ's Mɪɴᴇ! // Blackpink x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now