Chapter 15

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Okay, hold up. How did this book get 4K reads???? Wut??? Confusion??? Okay sorry. On with the story. Btw the drawing, I drew it. >~<


"Help?!" I yell in the dark room. Tears stream down my face. "Someone! Please!" I yell running to no where. I fall to my knees and look in front of me to see something I never want to see.

The bodies of four people lay in front of me. I approach it slowly and my heart drops. It's the bodies of all the girls.

"G-Guys. Wake up. This isn't funny." I trying say holding all off them. They are all limp in my arms and as I was holding them red came from under me.

"Yah. Yah!" I yell shaking their body's to get no response. "Guys! Please! This isn't funny." I hiccup through all my tears.

I see someone in front of me holding a gun. It's the same guy that broke into the house. "I-I throught you were dead..." I said staring at the barrel of the gun. "Well, you thought wrong." He said pulling the trigger.

I wake up in my bed all sweaty and tears going down my face. I look beside me to see Rosé sleeping soundly. I grabbed onto her without thinking.

"Y/N~." She said in a raspy voice. I all I did was cry on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" She said rubbing circles on my bare back. "I-I just had a nightmare." I say hugging her closer.

I didn't care if we were naked. I just needed her right now. "Shhh. It's okay baby." She said putting her head in the crook of my neck. "What did you dream about?" She asked me petting my head.

"N-Nothing... I don't want to talk about it..." I said sniffling. All she does is nod her head. "We need to go change jagi." She said getting up from the bed.

I see her bare figure in front of me. I cover my face from her body by using a blanket. "What? It's not like it's your first time seeing it." She said putting on her bra and underwear.

"You could have at least gave me a warning." I said still having the blanket over my face. "Look who's talking. I woke up to me touching your everything." She said giggling.

"Aish." I said getting out of bed. I go to my closet and get an underwear and a bra. I wear a big t-shirt to cover everything.

Rosé was already outside when I came down to the kitchen to see Jennie cooking. "Yah. What did you guys do last night? You two were loud." Lisa said giving me a death glare.

"O-Oh, well you see..." I said scratching the back of my head looking down. "We had a little fun." She said coming behind me. She knew my body well after just one time. She bit a part of my neck making me moan.

"Rosie~." I moaned out. "Yah!" All three of them yell. "What you jealous~?" She said putting her hand on my boob. "N-Not there." I said grabbing her hand.

"You don't like that?" She says squeezing it. I moan from it and say "N-Not in front of them." I plead. "Enough." Jisoo said budging in grabbing Rosé's hand.

"Awe~. We were having fun." Rosé said winking at me. Jisoo rolls her eyes and takes me to her room. "Did you really?" She asks sitting me down on the bed.

"W-Well..." I sigh and Jisoo's face falls to a frown. "You did..." she said tearing up. "It's not something to cry about is it?" I said looking at her. "It kinda is! I mean we all love you and you make off with another women!" She said yelling at me.

"What was I supposed to do?!" I yelled back. "Uh! I don't know?! Refuse her!" She said annoyed. "But it's like turning down free food." I stated. "Is she fucking food?!" She cursed.

"She a full course meal hunni." I said licking my lips. At this point Jisoo was fuming and me complimenting someone else wasn't helping. "I mean all of you are. I'm not giving up a free chance, ya know?" I say trying to get on her good side.

"Free chance my ass. You could have asked me and I would have." She shyly admitted. I chocked on air when I headed that.
"Really?" I said still wide eyed.

She nodded with full confidence. 'Let's try that out.' I thought. "Then lets do it right now then." I said confidently. "W-What?" She stuttered back.

"Right here. Right now." I said getting on all fours and grabbing her by the collar pulling her closer. "W-Wait!" She screamed making me stop.

"I knew you were lying." I said getting up. "It was j-just sudden." She said trying to defend herself. "Well, I need my needs at random times." I say crossing my arms.

"W-Well I wasn't ready. B-Because it would be my first time." She admitted. "Well it's a first time for everything right now. If you really want to be with me, you have to be willing to do things for me." I said.

"And if we ever do... just come into my room so there are no cameras..." I whisper into her ear. "Who ever is behind that camera, cut everything you saw happen here." I said looking dead at the camera.

"But c'mon we need to get ready for our date." I said winking at her.

So close Jichu. If only she agreed. *sniffle* so sad.✌🏻

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