Chapter 7

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"K-Kitten?" I stuttered with a tint of pink creeping on my face. "C-Can you wait till I'm d-done changing?" I ask trying to be oblivious of what they wanted.

"But we want you now~." Jennie said while coming up to hug me. "L-Look, girls I like you and all but I-I just got out of the hospital. And it's too early to do anything." I say with a groan. "But we can cuddle if you want." I mumble under my breath trying not to be heard. "Sure!" They all yelled. 'Shit, I'm in for a mess'

"I call being top!" Lisa called. "No I wanna be top!" Jennie started arguing. Soon everyone was arguing who wanted to be on top. While they were still fighting I snuck out.

'I'm not in the mood for that shit' I go to the kitchen and get some whip cream and put some in my mouth (How do I make that not sexual???). I was enjoying my time alone when I heard someone in the room yell "Where's  Y/N?"

As soon as I heard that I went into the closet with my whip cream of course because girls gotta eat. 'I forgot my phone, FUUUUUUU-'

Well R.I.P for me. It's fine all I need is food and I'm happy.

Not even 10 minutes passed by when I finished the whole whip cream can. 'I'm fucking fat' I sigh as I sit in the closet my only hiding place.

I start drifting off in the closet. 'So nice and quiet'...

~Time Skip~

I wake up to hear shuffling near the closet door. I try to stay as quiet as possible, not even breathing. "Y/N where are you~~? I don't bit yet~." I hear a voice say. There's no mistaking it if your a blink. It's definitely the Manake. Thankfully she didn't bother to check this closet. I gave a sigh, 'I'm just gonna go out'

I get out the closet as quiet as possible. Sneaking past everyone who was looking for me. 'Damn. That fucking oblivious to shit' I get to the door and put on some sneakers. I open the door and walk out, I have no clue where I'm going I don't even know the neighbor hood that well.

'Welp, time to get lost'

I walk down the street to the nearest caffe and get a drink. I sit down by the window and stare outside taking in the beautiful scenery. I sip on the drink that I bought when I see a familiar figure walk into the caffe.


'Omo, damn lemme get a pic' as I was about to walk up to her she was now crowded with paparazzi. 'Damn it'

I sat back down in my sit deafened I couldn't get a picture. But then someone sat in front of me. I look to see who it is and it's Nayeon.

"Hey, I saw you walking up to me earlier." She said showing me her cute bunny like smile. "O-Oh you did?" I stuttered. "No, need to be nervous. I know who you are." She said giving me a wink. I started to blush "Y-You do?" "Of course I do. Someone who as cute as you I would remember." She said with a giggle.

I was getting redder and redder by the moment I laughed from the compliment she gave me. "Also since we're both 'idols' we should have each other's numbers." she says giving me a small paper.

She smiles and leaves the cafe with paparazzi following her. I look at the note she gave me and smile uncontrollably.



Text me ❤️

I put the note in my pocket and leave with a huge smile on my face while paparazzi were trying to question me.

~Time Skip~

When I get back home 45 minutes later. I was greeted with ticked off members of Blackpink. 'Who knew they were scary'

"Where were you?!" Jisoo yelled "Hehehe, about that...." after I said that I ran back into the closet to text Nayeon.

Is this Nayeon?

No, sorry you have the wrong number.

Oh, sorry for bothering you.

I'm joking Y/N it me.


Sorry~~. Forgive me? ❤️❤️

Lemme think about it.



I'm just going to go straight to the point. You wanna hang out this week?

Yeah sure.

Okay. Saturday at 3:00. But I gtg. See ya babe!

See you too!

I smile as I keep looking at the texts and put a heart next to her name because who wouldn't?

As I was still looking at the text the door of the closet busts open. "Y/N!" A loud voice yelled at me. It was Jisoo, "I found her!" She yelled. I tried getting out but it was no use she was too strong for me.

'What the fuck kinda hide and seek is this? It's scary as fuck.'

As the members were getting inside the room after looking for me. I just laid on the floor feeling defeated. "Who is this person your texting Y/N?" Lisa questions. I quickly stood up and took the phone from her. "O-Oh, no one." I say trying to hide the phone. "You sure~?" Jisoo asks. I nodded my head "Good because you're mine!" Jisoo says while giving me a bear hug. Sooner or later that turned into another fight over whose I was.

'Damn these girls'

I just lay on the bed and open my arms. Sooner or later I was cuddled by all the girls. 'I gotta say Nayeon's pretty cute'

Welp no smut but Nayeon ooooo. Idk when I'll do smut and don't be mad at me I didn't sorry I wasn't ready. And also check out my new book called "I'm Normal". ✌🏻

Sʜᴇ's Mɪɴᴇ! // Blackpink x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now