Chapter 1

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"BOOMBAYAH!" My alarm went off. 'As much as I like u Blackpink but why so early?' I think feeling grumpy.

I get out of bed and my feet touch the cold floors...

"I feel like I'm forgetting something...?" As I have that thought I remember I have auditions today!

"SHIT!" I say in panic as I only have 30 minutes to get ready. I rush to the bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I get my street outfit and rush outside seeing that I only have 15 minutes left.

~Time Skip~

As I barley make it to the building with my audition number I see there are a whole bunch of people waiting for the auditions too... "This is going to be a long day."

~Time Skip~

After the person in front of me was done auditioning I heard "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)! 136"

As I heard that I walked into the room I see YG himself and more judges."Annyeong, I'm   Y/N and I'm 20 years old!" "Okay, show us what you can do." YG said.

With that I danced to "Shake That Brass by Amber Liu" (My f(x) bias👌🏻👌🏻) I also sang "Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang" (another fire song 🔥🔥) ...

Jennie's POV

Me and the girls were walking down the hallway towards an audition room and we just drop by seeing how everything is going.

We walk towards the door and open it. The auditioner doesn't know that we're here because we came through the back door.


All the Blackpink members came into the room by one. They got a good look of Y/N, her E/C orbs, her H/C/L flowing. All the members blushed and just kept staring at Y/N.

Y/N started dancing, everyone was amazed at how smoothly she makes everything seem and how she moves across the dance floor instead of the dance Blackpink was focused on her looks, Y/N was wearing a crop top showing her abs, Jennie bit her lip, Lisa was just staring with lust, Rose and Jisoo looked away blushing. As soon as everyone knows it the song ended and she stopped dancing. Everyone gave her a round of applause. "Now show us your singing" YG said.

After that Y/N got ready and sang... as she sang she gave shivers down everyone's spine. You can really feel the emotion and power in her voice. All the Blackpink members were all amazed and astonished.


When I finished the song everyone stood up and clapped as I looked behind me I see the one and only Blackpink...

My jaw drops and I blush from embarrassment, 'THEY JUST SAW ME BOMB THE AUDITION!' I thought now I'm really doing a obvious blush . They all laugh and they come walking towards me. 'Am I dreaming?' I think. I try pinching myself but instead I just made myself bruised. 

I'm just staring at them frozen in place while they move towards me. It's like everything is going slow motion. Jennie comes towards me and takes my hand and rubs where I pinched it "Don't hurt yourself, baby girl." Jennie says.

I was in disbelief. The group that I love is right in front of me AND ONE OF THEM TOUCHED ME AND CALLED ME "BABY GIRL" WTF!?

I introduced myself to them "A-Annyeong,  I-I'm Y/N." I say bowing. 'Great fucking job. You just stuttered in front of them'...

Lisa's POV

"A-Annyeong,  I-I'm Y/N."

Her stuttering makes my heart skip a beat. It's too cuteee~! I laugh and see her blushing. 

We all bow and then we hear YG-nim call over Y/N. We see him talk with her and she looks a bit shocked with tears in her eyes...

Hope you guys liked it. I'm new to this kinda stuff but cliff hanger *acts shook* woAh.

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