Chapter 5

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Lisa's POV

"I have good news and bad news..." I hear when the doctor comes through the operation room.

"She's alive just..." he paused before saying the next part with a sigh "Sadly she's in a coma from the blood loss and won't be waking up anytime soon..." he did another pause before looking at all of us with sorry eyes. "She will lose her memories from being in a coma but hopefully she gains it back."

With that we all don't know what to do, we don't know how to react we all stare at him blankly. With that he leaves saying "I'll let you guys think."

"What do we do?" We hear Jennie say. "We do what we can do, hope." Rose answers back with a sad look in her eyes.

Jennie's POV

With knowing that Y/N is in a coma we went home and when we got there we all just sat there for a while thinking. I break the silence by saying "Let's go out to eat?" "I don't feel safe with out Y/N. We should just eat here." Lisa said.

Then we made dinner and ate together. We talked about things but things seem off with out Y/N here. The atmosphere is a bit off. After we ate we when to the living room to watch a movie. We watched a movie where the main character loses their memories from the coma they were in... its the same as Y/N.

I shed a tear thinking about what will happen to Y/N. I don't want that to happen to her. "What happens if she doesn't wake up!?"
I say out loud by accident. They all jump and look at me. "I'm sure she will, I mean she's still alive, right?" Rose points out. "But-" "No buts, she'll make it." Jisoo says with a serious face. I've never seen her like this.

~Time Skip 2 months later~

Rose's POV

We are all at the hospital visiting Y/N. Leaving flowers every time we come by... but then a women in a suit came inside the room with flowers and sat beside Y/N.

She looked at us with tears in her eyes and smiles. "So your the famous Blackpink that my daughter is in?" "DAUGHTER!?" We all yell in unison. She laughs and nods "I'm always busy, so me and her don't really keep in touch. But I'm always here for her, ya know?" We all smile and greet each other.

"So, how did she end up like this?" She says breaking the silence.

But before I could even answer the door the doctor barged in. "Is there the guardian here for Y/N?" Just after he says that Y/N mom stands up and goes with the doctor outside the room.

Third POV

Y/N mom and the doctor went outside into a little office. "So, since your the guardian of Y/N we're going to make you choose." The doctor says with a very serious tone. "Since Y/N is on life support right now and it's been over a couple months and we don't see her waking up anytime soon. It's going to be your choice to pull the plug." Y/N mom eyes looks at the doctor with understanding. "I see... if she doesn't wake up in 2 more weeks then... I'll pull the plug."

As Y/N mom was entering the room. She saw the four singing "Stay" while gathering around Y/N's bed.


I hear faint whispers of the people in my room. "Y/N wake up..." I hear a voice softly say. There was no mistaking it. It was the voice of Rose. After a while of faint whispers I hear them sing "Stay" I feel two people grab my hand and rub the back of my hand.

'I don't wanna die yet.'

I tried moving my body. But I was simply too weak. I couldn't even move my eyes... all I could do was listen to them.

As they were singing the feelings got to me. I teared up and one single tear fell on my right cheek. 'I just wanna live. But who are they again?'

Third POV

As they were at the end of the song they all look at Y/N right when the tear fell on her cheek. "Guys, am I the only one that saw that?" Lisa says staring at Y/N. They all nod their heads. "Y/N... wake up..." Jennie says on the brink of tears holding Y/N hand.

No response...

Just then her line went dead...

All the doctors rushed in with all the tools you can possibly have in a hospital and they start resuscitating her...

Y/N heart started again.

They all sighed in relief not realizing what Y/N was going through...

Sorry for the late update. I'm trying just I'm going through a break up. And I'll try to update the other book too. And if there are errors. This was all writing in 5 am sorry for the crappy chapter. And I see all your comments and I wanna reply but wattpad is being a bish and not letting me. But thanks for all the support. 👌🏻👌🏻

Sʜᴇ's Mɪɴᴇ! // Blackpink x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now