Chapter 2

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Jisoo's POV

As we were talking about Y/N. I look over at Lisa and I see her gazing at something. I follow her gaze and I see Y/N with tears forming in her eyes talking to YG-nim.

But it seems to be tears of ... happiness?

She also gives a warm smile and shakes his hand. At this point all of us are staring at Y/N in confusion...

YG-nim and Y/N goes up to us. And he says "Y/N is now the newest member of Blackpink. She would be a good fit, seeing as your get together well together already."


As soon as he told them. I was tackled in a huge hug, I ended up on the floor. I was a blushing mess off while all of them are on top of me.

After a while we all got up and I went to talk to YG-nim "When can I-I be in the Blackpink House?" "You can move in starting tomorrow." He says sternly.

I went home that night and I could think about anything but about what happened today.

~Time Skip~

Today is one of the biggest days of my life! I'm moving in with Blackpink! I couldn't sleep last night so I feel like shit, but when do I get enough sleep in then first place?

I pack all my stuff, took a long shower, and brush my teeth. I take one big breath of air in my house before taking a step out the door. 'This is the last time I'll be here. Goodbye forever...'

I walk out the door and look on my phone and see I have the address on my phone I get in my car and drive while playing "Fake Love by BTS" (I had to put something by BTS). And soon I got to the house. The house looks majestic.

I knock on the door and I'm greeted by Rose. She gives me a big hug and invites me in. As I walk in I see Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo. I greet them as I walk in.

"Where's my room?" They said they didn't have a room ready yet but then I hear Lisa say "We can share a room if u want?" Jennie also chimes in by saying "You can sleep in my bed if you want." Jisoo blurts our "Sleep with me instead?" Rose says "I'm a good cuddler."

"I-I don't wanna cause a d-disturbance it's fine." I stutter. I see the couch in my view "I can just sleep on the couch it's f-fine." I say nervously. I see them all pout then an idea came up. "W-Why don't we all sleep in one room? Besides I-I think it will get us closer together." I say scared of rejection.

They all stare at each other and all nod and agree. I make an audible sigh and say "Lets sleep in Jennie's room." I say just choosing randomly. We all walk to the room and I plop onto the bed and get my stuff in the room for now. I start changing in front of them and I see them all blush and staring. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I say jokingly, but they all grab their phones and take a picture.

I was too shocked to even react and just stood there like an idiot. I gave myself a mental slap and then I got changed completely and jumped onto the bed. "You actually took pictures..." I say completely dumbfounded. "You told us to~~" Lisa says childly. I sigh and turn off the lights when I feel 4 pairs of hand wrap around me...

Lisa is on my right arm, Rose is on my left arm, Jennie is on top of me with her face on my chest, Jisoo got under my head so now I'm using her as a pillow.

Then I hear the front door open...

Owo what's this? See what happens next on the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z. Jk jk but go check out my other book that is okay ig. It has way more views than this book sadly, but ya. PEACE

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