Chapter 20

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I stand up and...

I stand on my own two legs.

"See I told you I'm-" I feel my legs buckle and I collapse into Lisa's arms. My hands were on her shoulders and her arms wrapped around my waist holding me up.

"Clearly you are not fine. And just because you're at the hospital doesn't make you invincible." The nurse snickers from my clumsy ness. I blush a deep red and try to stand up but I just ended up falling every time.

"Come' mer you big baby." Lisa said picking me up with her two arms. She picks me up bridal style and lays me on the bed again.

I grab the blanket and put it on my cold body. The nurse was about to leave when I stopped her. "U-Um. Do you know what happened to the men?" I asked her making her look back at me.

"Their long gone." She said leaving the room. I have a sigh of relief before actually resting my tense body.

"What happened anyway?" Lisa said putting her soft hand on my cheek. I held it in my palm with her hand still on my face.

I gave a shaky sigh before looking up at the ones I love. "W-Well..." I start tearing up from trauma, my eyes feel like their burning.

"T-They abused me... t-they t-touched me..." I say closing my eyes. Tears run down my face as my soft whimpers fill the rooms silence.

"T-They did so m-many things, t-they made me do such l-lewd things..." I say feeling my tears run down my red stained cheeks. Lisa's hand getting wet from my tears.

I was engulfed in a tight hug. "Shhh. You're with us now..." Lisa said rubbing circles on my back. I was too devastated to even hug back. My arms were kept at my sides while I cry into her shoulder.

She rubs circles on my back while stroking the back of my head. Her warm touch heating my body.

I hear soft sniffles and sobs coming from the room. I look up from Lisa's shoulder and look at the tear stained faces of the members.

"W-Why are you guys c-crying?" I ask wiping away the waterfall from my face.

They didn't respond to my but engulfed me in a big group hug. They clung on to me like I was their life source. They whimper in my arms and I gave a soft smile knowing they care about me.

I pat their heads as they cry their soul out. I don't know what to do or how to comfort them.

After they cry in my arms for a good 2 minutes before they started calming down.

"Hey, it's okay... they won't hurt me anymore..."


I need to make this short Bc in workin on a new book. Check it out it's a Twice x reader. And I'm confident about that one too. I might not update in a long time too.

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