Chapter 10

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I wake up to see a bright light. I look around and I'm in the hospital. I scoff "I'm back here again." "Y/N?" I look over to see Twice and Blackpink beside my bed like it's my funeral.

"I'm alive, surprisingly." I say with a chuckle. "Now that you know I'm alive just let me sleep. I've been through some shit, I just wanna be alone." I say closing my eyes. "Y/N, we need you awake." Nayeon says holding my hand. I sigh and hold her hand "Fine. But I also haven't told 'them' yet." I say signaling to Blackpink.

My group looks at me in confusion "Remember the beach?" I asked. They all nod their heads in unison. "It was me and Nayeon that you saw." They all look at me and Nayeon in shock. "They saw us!?" Nayeon yelled blushing. I nodded "Yeah, I'm in a tough situation right now. I don't know what to do..." I say tearing up. "I don't wanna break anyone's hearts because of my actions." I say with tears now going down my face.

"Awe, don't cry Y/N." Jisoo said sympathetically. "I yelled at you guys! How can you still care for me?! How can any of you care for me?! I'm nobody. I'm.... no one." I say going to the side closing my eyes letting tears fall.

"Y/N... you're everything to us..." Jennie says. I was shocked. 'How can you still care?' I didn't know how to react. "Thank you for caring about me..." I said before closing my eyes.

Third POV

The two groups stare at each other it knowing what to do.

"She must be going through a lot. What did you do to her?" Nayeon asks BlackPink.

"We didn't do anything to her... or at least anything bad." Jennie responded.

"You did nothing wrong." Y/N says speaking up. "All if you didn't." She says looking around the room.

"It's all my fault... everything is my fault..." she says with a tear going down her face. "Sorry." She says wiping her tears.

The doctor comes into the room and says she can go back home after they signed some paper.

They signed it and got Y/N out of the hospital. Y/N went up to Nayeon and said "I think it's best if we stay friends..." Nayeon nods and hugs Y/N. She hugs back and went to BlackPink.

"Let's go home." She says getting into the car. She sat next to Lisa so she laid her head on her shoulder. Lisa started blushing but she held onto Y/N waist pulling them closer together.

They were sitting in the back so no one notice them cuddling. As Y/N's breathing becomes softer the more she leaned on Lisa. Lisa was able to take it despite how much she was blushing.

Lisa looked over to Y/N sleeping soundly. She couldn't help but smile at the sight. She loves how Y/N's hair falls perfectly on her face, how she blushes, how her lips looks so soft...

She leaned in closer and closer until... "we're here." Rosé says braking the moment between Lisa and Y/N. Lisa gave out a annoyed groan before waking Y/N up.

Y/N noticed that she was leaned on Lisa and got up quickly. Lisa laughed because she thought it was too cute.


As we got inside I went to my room to sleep. But I wanted to hug something so I called in Lisa since she was wearing a comfy sweater. "Lisa!" I yelled and as I said that she came running in. "Yeah?" She said out of breath.

I opened my arms and she understood what I wanted and went in between my arms. She put her head in my chest and hugged me back. Our legs were tangled together.

"Did you close the door?" I asked. "Oops." She said looking up at me. "Yah! Why are you two cuddling?" Jennie asked barging in the room with the other girls following close behind her.

"Aish, I just wanna sleep but I had nothing to hug so I asked Lisa." I say clinging onto Lisa more. She was blushing more and more by the second.

"I wanna cuddle!" Jisoo said. "Ani, you're not wearing anything soft. If you wanna cuddle you have to wear something that I can hug." They all nodded and went to their room.

I looked at Lisa who was red as a tomato. "You so cute." I say kissing her forehead. "Y-Yah! I'm not cute!" She says looking away.

"We're back!" We hear by the door. I look over to see them all wear hoodies. "Okay we can cuddle now then." I say with a smile. They all run to me and jump on the bed and they all hug me. "Mhm~. You all so warm." I say bringing them all to me.

"Me and Nayeon aren't going to see each other anymore." I say into the silence. "Really?" Rosé says looking up at me. I nod my head and they all smile.

"So. Since we told you... you know... that we like you. Who are you going to choose?" Jisoo says looking up at me.

"How about I date all of you and who ever had the best date I'll choose." I say.

"Okay. But what if you like all of our dates?" Jennie said hugging me tighter. "Then... we'll see." I say drifting off into sleep.

Who should go on the date first?






Who every has the most will go on the date first. I'll start making the draft in four days.

Sʜᴇ's Mɪɴᴇ! // Blackpink x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now