Chapter 6

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~Two weeks later~

Third POV

Y/N was still in the hospital. Her fellow members and her mom went to visit her.

The doctor came into the room and went to his office with Y/N mom.

"As you know Y/N is still on life support... and you said you'll take her off in two weeks." Tears began to fill Y/N mom eyes and she nods.

They get back into the room with Y/N still laying there lifeless.

The doctor approaches the cord on the wall that's connected to a machine next to Y/N. (Idk how they do it.)

"What's happening...?" Jennie says. The doctor gave a glance at the girls before glancing at Y/N mom. He gave her 'You didn't tell them look'

Y/N mom shook her head. The doctor took a long sigh. He looked at the girls and said "We're taking Y/N... of life support"

All Blackpink's faces went white with their eyes widened. "You're joking... please tell me you're joking." Rose says on the brink of tears holding her hand above her mouth. "Sadly I wish I could say I was." the doctor says solemnly.

Tears began falling from the members faces. They try blocking the doctor but nurses rushed in and grabbed held all of them back.

As they were getting pulled back struggling to get out of their grasp. Everything was going slower and slower.

They watched as the doctor was pulling the cord. All reality hit them at once. The doctor just pulled the plug and the line went dead.

The girls were released from the grasps of the nurses and rushed to your side.

"Y/N-ah wake up!" Lisa yelled while holding your hand as tight as she could. They all stood in shook.

"Sorry for your loss." The doctor says solemnly. 

But just then. Y/N hand moves.

"Guys, her hand moved!" Lisa exclaimed.
"That's impossible! She's dead!" The doctor yelled back.

After all that you open your eyes slowly to see everyone.


"Eomma, where am I?" I say with a raspy voice. "Y/N!" Mom exclaimed as she rushed to hug me.

I look around me to see all shocked faces. I look around to see a doctor in a suit and four girls.

"Eomma, what am I doing here?" I say still staring at the girls. "What do you mean? Do you not remember what happened before you came here?" She says giving me a confused face. I gave her a face that said 'The fuck you mean'

"Do you remember those four girls?" My mom says with a little hope in her voice. I scoff and looked at them. They all gave me hopeful faces with tear stains on their cheeks. I looked at my mom "Who the fuck are they?" I say coldly while giving them a death glare. Their smiles disappear and turn into frowns.

"Are they the ones that did this to me?!" I say in a scary tone. As I was about to get up to fight someone my mom intervened "You saved their lives! What do you mean 'Who the fuck are they?!'" I look up to see all the girls protecting them selfs. I gave them glance before looking at mom. "I saved them? what?" My mom looked at me. She gave me a long sigh. "You'll remember soon enough."

"Y/N-ah~... do you not remember us?" A girl with a cat face came up to me and held my hand. I blush my the contact and shook my head. All the other girls came to join her.

I look at all of them and blush, they look beautiful...

"Their your roommates. You're going to live with them. Okay? Good!" Mom says while looking at me without letting me answer. I gulp and nod my head and look away from the girls. "Why am I living with them in the first place?" I asked. "These girls are no ordinary girls Y/N, their Blackpink, one of the most famous girl groups. And you just joined them recently." She says with a proud grin on her face. My eyes go wide "I'm one of them?!" They all nod. I fall back on the bed and laugh, they look at me like I'm crazy.

"Have you seen me!? I look like a fucking potato! I just wanna go home and rest." (You all are beautiful even if you identify as a potato.) I felt feeling tired all of the sudden. I get up from the bed and try to walk but since I haven't walked for a couple of months I collapse on the floor. And I needed to get helped up but as I was getting up my head started to hurt.

I start to see images of people flow through. But their faces, are the girls?

I hold my head "Y/N are you okay?" A girl with black hair says says helping me up. "Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, Rose...?" I say in a questioning voice. Those name were ringing in my ear. I say those four names over and over while everyone is looking at me.


I collapsed on the floor while all the four girls come out of the closet. They come rushing to my side. "Y/N!" I feel pressure on my shoulder before everything turns black. (Imma gonna keep that short Bc I mentioned this too much)

~End of flash back~

Tears start falling from my face. I stand up with all my might stumbling a little and walk to  them. They all cover them selfs like I was going to hurt them. But instead I hugged them and cried "I'm sorry..." I whimpered. They were all taken aback but they hugged me back.

They all have huge smiles in their faces while they were hugging me. My legs gave out and I fell into Lisa's arms. She carried me bridal style to the bed.

"I remember now..." I say smiling through my tears. Lisa wipes the tears from my cheeks and smiles back at me.

~Time Skip~

We get home and I'm able to walk now on my own. I say I'm going to take a bath and they all nod. I grab my clothes and draw the bath. I strip down and get into the bath. After I was done I went into Jennie's room because she said I can use it to change there.

As I was changing I hear a knock on the door. I was in my underwear and bra "Hold on I'm still changing" I say hurrying up. But before I could put on my pants the door opened to reveal all the girls in robes?

I quickly try to hide my lower body. "W-What are you d-doing?!" I say stumbling. Jennie grins and says "Oh, nothing, we're just gonna have a little fun, Kitten~."

Is there gonna be a smut or nahhhhhh?
Don't get your hopes too up. I needa make this story going so mabye no smut. Good Bc we need holy water first. But I also like broke my fucking ankle while running Bc I'm a DUMBAS-✌🏻

Sʜᴇ's Mɪɴᴇ! // Blackpink x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now