Chapter 19

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Just look at the photo. I was laughing my ass off.

"You can't sleep ma'am." A lady said trying to keep me awake. "But does it really matter? I've been hurt so many times I'm basically invincible." I said looking at the nurse. She looks at me with worried eyes and it doesn't vex me and I close my eyes.

I was able to block out everything that was happening except for my bruises and cuts. They hurt like hell but I didn't show it because mama ain't raised no bish.

The car came to a sudden halt and I almost flew off the stretcher. I get pushed into the hospital rushing down multiple hallways. Door after door opening and closing. We went into a room and they stitched up some wounds that I had. Or should I say I had at least a dozen wounds that needed to be stitched.

I hissed every time the needle punctured my skin. After they were done they laid me on a bed in another room connecting me to all sorts of machines. "Fuck these bills." I said into the empty room.

Right after I said that my door busts open to see the shaken up girls I saved. I gave them a warm smile and opened up my arms. They immediately engulf me into a group hug. I can hear all of their soft whimpers in my ear.

"I'm fine now..." I say softly. They all pull away one by one letting go of their grasp. "Don't ever do that again pabo!" Lisa said hitting me ever so softly. "Hey, hey. You shouldn't hit your savior." I said giving a weak chuckle.

She huffed crossing her arms from frustration and looked away from my gaze. I held her hand and looked at the others. "You all know I love you, right?" I said my eyes half closed. A light blush dances across their faces and they nod giving me their undivided attention.

"So... I know it's a bad time but I'm dying to know." Lisa said clearing her voice. "Who do you choose?" She said looking me straight in the eyes. "U-Uh..." I was caught off guard and didn't know what to say.

They all stared at me pressuring me to say something. "H-Hehehe. Well..." I say scratching the back of my head. "Do I-I have to choose?" I stutter out.

"Yes." Jennie said menacingly. I gulped from all the pressure of not knowing who to choose.

"I choose all of you..." I said hiding my face with my hands.

"I couldn't choose from the start. And I knew that..." I started tearing up. "I-I didn't want to make anyone f-feel bad." I said my lips quivering. "I-I don't even know why you even like me. You all even still went for me knowing three other people like me!" I said grabbing my hair not daring to make eye contact.

I was just rambling with tears going down my face when I was engulfed in a hug. By the touch I already know who it is... it's Rosé.

"Y/N, we already know you would choose all of us." She said enough for me to hear. "W-What?" I said chocking on my tears. "You sacrificed a lot for us. Normal people wouldn't do that." I could hear her sniffling while laughing.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said hugging Rosé, hiding my head in the crook of her neck. She strokes the back of my head while the other members watched.

I held onto her more tighter like she was going to leave me any second. I ended up crying on her shoulder for a couple of minutes making her shirt wet with my tears.

She grabbed my cheeks and wiped my cheeks with her thumbs. She makes me look at her softly smiling. I saw her shirt was all wet and I kept on saying sorry, trying to dry it with the blanket I have.

She grabbed my wrists and shut me up with her lips. Her lips warmed up my cold body. For once in a while the other girls didn't complain she kissed me.

She pulled away first. "Stop saying sorry." She said still holding onto my wrists. "You're all not angry?" I asked them. "No, because you choose us so we're happy, right?" Jennie said looking at the other two. They nodded their heads with understanding and smiled.

I hear a knock on the door and it opens revealing a nurse. "You're awake?" She said looking shocked. "What? Am I supposed to be sleeping?" I asked. Rosé got off of me already and held my hand. "You're supposed to be-" I cut her off but saying "I've seen something's." I said nodding my head.

"Can you at least stand?" She asked me. I got out from under the blanket and put my feet on the floor. "Time to see if I can. Can one of you catch me if I can't?" I asked looking at one of the girls. "Lisa will do it." Jennie said because Lisa is the strongest out of the bunch.

Lisa is in front of me while I put my hands on the bed to get ready to stand up.

I stand up and...

I had to sorry. Sorry for not updating in a while. School has been fucking me up.

Sʜᴇ's Mɪɴᴇ! // Blackpink x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now