Chapter 18

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'I'll sacrifice myself for you' I scoff at the thought. "I just wanted to be an idol." I mutter.

The door opens after a couple minutes. And then all the guys appear. 'Now or never.'

"Hey." I said sternly making the guys look at me. "Let's make a deal." I said looking up after a long time. "Let the girls go and you can do what ever you want with me." I said giving them a smug smile. The all nudge each other while laughing. They huddle in a circle while talking to each other.

I haven't even noticed that all the girls looked at me wide eyed. "Sure. We'll let them go." One said. They go to the girls and gave them a glance before untying them. "No, Y-Y/N." Jisoo said getting dragged out of the seat. They take the girls and drag them out.

They struggle trying to get to me but all I do is give them a sweet smile. "I'll be there with all of you. Promise." They shut on the door on them. The last thing I saw from there were their sad faces...

"Okay they're gone now." The man says entering the room again. Now it's only me and five guys. "Now, now... what to do?" A guy comes over to me and grabs my face and brings it towards him...

Rosé POV

They untie us and grab us forcefully. We were dragged out of the room screaming and struggling. "Y/N!" I yelled as they brought us outside and closed the door on us. I look around us to see us at an unknown area.

"Y-Y/N..." Jennie said looking at the door. "She's so stupid!" Lisa yelled feeling frustrated she left with out Y/N. I bet all of us are feeling somewhat frustrated and mad.

"What do we do?" I asked looking at everyone. "Walk till we find someone or somewhere that has a phone." Jisoo said already walking. She was walking like she had a mission to get Y/N out. I walk side to side with her keeping her pace with mine.

"What do you think is happening to her right now?" Jennie said scared. "There are five guys..." Lisa said making my face fall. "What if they ra-" Lisa said talking nonsense.

"No they're not!" I yell my wanting to think about it. "Hurry!" Jisoo said now running towards somewhere. We run with her to be lead to a convince store. We run inside and the clerk looks at us wide eyed.

"We need to use your phone!" I yelled extending my hand. He handed me a telephone and I dialed the police. I told them to track the phone because I didn't know where we were.

They all stood there while I was pacing across the room thinking about Y/N. 'Is she okay?' I sigh from being to stressed.

I heard distant sirens and we all run outside. They come inside the store to see us all a mess. "There's one more! She's trapped!" I yell running outside. "Get in!" A police man yells. We all hop in he car and lead him to the place we escaped from.

The police get out of their car with guns in their hands. They all aim while one police opens the door to look down in a empty hallway. "They're in there." I point to the door and they all aim their gun there.

Once again the same police officer opens the door. I head back to the girls and wait with them for Y/N return. We hear gun fire and I close my eyes thinking Y/N's okay.

I hear some shouting then I hear something being dragged. I look over to see them carrying Y/N's limp body. All beat up with bruises and cuts.

They lay on her on a stretcher and we all automatically run to her. We jump in the ambulance with her and look at her. Her hair is a mess. "I-I saved you." She said with a raspy voice. She smiles looking at all of us, but we looked at her with sad eyes.

"You always get yourself hurt!" I say tears running down my face. "But I helped..." she said feeling guilty. "But you could have died!" Jennie chimes in.

"Just be careful... please." Jisoo said grabbing her hand. "I sacrificed myself and this is what I get?" She said tearing up.

"No, no. Were just mad that you did that! You're too selfless! Think of yourself for once!" I yelled finally releasing my feelings.

"I can't. I wasn't raised too." She said closing her eyes to rest.

I gave out a sigh as we go to the hospital...

Sorry for the crappy chapter. I have tons of homework and I need to workout. :p

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