Chapter 23

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It's been a couple of turns of spin the bottle and I'm the only one that hasn't been chosen yet and everyone had their tops off already. I guess I'm lucky I get to take a view- what?

"What is this witch craft?! Out of all of us why didn't Y/N get chosen?!" Nayeon said yelling at the bottle.

"Let's make a bet! If it lands on Y/N we get to choose what she takes off!" Sana yelled. And everyone 'ooo' at the 'good' idea.

"That's kinda in fair-""No it's not! You haven't gotten chosen and everyone wanted you to!" Lisa yelled. Everyone was toned and I'm over here just taking a gander or drooling at the sight I was seeing.

"But I'm all covered. What's the point? All your gonna see is white bandages." I said crossing my arms and pouting like a kid.

The bottle was already spinning while I had that tantrum and it landed on me. I moved my spot and got behind a half naked Rosé.

"It's not on me. I don't know what you're talking about." I said nervously chucking. They all stand up with sinister smiles on their face ready to attack me. I gulp down hard and use Rosé as a shield.

"You know I'm in on it to right?" Rosé asked me as she turned around and pinned me to the floor.

"I got her down. What should we take off?" Rosé asked.



"All of her clothing?"

"Good idea."

"Wait, Wha-" I was going to speak when someone pins my hands above my head and tie them with something. I start kicking to only have them held down by Jeongyeon. Nayeon then ties my feet together. Rosé starts lifting my shirt while everyone watched while licking their lips.

"See you got things to show off." Jennie said to me making me blush under embarrassment.

"I didn't agree to this! This is sexual-" I got cut off when someone put their hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh! We all know you love this right now!" Lisa said giggling. Well, mean she wasn't wrong-

My muffled helps were no use as they were already striping me down too quickly. All of them giggle as they basically tore it off of my delicate body.

I shook my mouth out of the hand holding my mouth and spoke.

"What are going to do when I'm naked?" I asked them. They pause for a second

"What do you want us to do? We can make you feel good~." Sana said running her hand down my stomach.

"Mhmph!" I couldn't answer through the hand as it was on my mouth. Sana just giggled.

"Guys I think that's a yes!" She said. I widened my eyes shaking my head trying to make a solid no.

"I just got out of a hospital!" I yelled and they all looked at each other.

"Want us to be easy on you?" Tzuyu said. Tzuyu? SHES TOO YOUNG WHY TF IS SHE JOINING IN?!

"You guys are not giving up on this are you?" I asked all of them. They were all horny fucks. They all shook their head to my question as I sighed.

'Just one time Y/N.'

"Fine. J-Just go easy." I said looking away embarrassed.

"Okay. We got that." Rosé said putting my shirt over my head so I can't see.

"How should we do this?"

"Take turns?"

"Y/N's gonna cum 13 times then your telling me?"

"I mean... is that too much?"

"Not really. I can do more of that in a day."

"Yeah because you're a horny fuck, Sana!"

"Hey! At least I can last longer grandma!"

"I'm not a grandma!"

"Okay their going last. Let's play rock paper scissors to see who goes first."

"Rock! Paper! Scissors!"

"Yes! I win!"

"You always win at everything Minari!"

"Okay, wait your turn upstairs! I'll be up there."

"Remember we stop when she cums."


So sorry for being on a hiatus. This is a very short chapter because it's the end of the school year for me. So when schools ends I promise more updates. Also I need your opinion on these covers. I'm actually making stories I have solid ideas on. 😒 but the second cover took a long time like 1 hour and I need opinions on how they look.

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Again sorry for the long wait!

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Again sorry for the long wait!

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