Chapter 16

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I walk back to my room to go change into:

I walk back to my room to go change into:

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I decided to not wear the purse with it. I walk back to the room to see Jisoo still changing. "Still changing?" I say closing the door behind me.

She jumped a bit looking at me. "You scared me!" She said still changing. "Get used to It because I could get used to this everyday." I say biting my lip. A blush dances across her face as I say that.

"Aish, you're lucky I love you." She said putting a shirt on. I went behind her and hugged her waist. "I love you too." I said smiling in the crook of her neck.

"I need to change jagi." She said smiling. "Okay. I'll wait for you outside." I said exiting the room.

I wait on the couch for her to come down stairs and when she same down she walked down like a goddess. She was wearing:

(Can't breath her hotness I-)

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(Can't breath her hotness I-)

She came over to me and gave me a hug. "Let's go now." She said clinging onto my arm. I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. "Let's go." I say leading her to the front door.

"We're leaving now!" I yell before leaving the house with Jisoo. We go inside the van with the managers and drive somewhere to eat.

"Where do you wanna eat princess?" I ask her looking outside the window. "Chicken!" She yelled. "Of course." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

We go get Jisoo her chicken and I just got a burger. She was eating with a smile. "You must really like chicken." I say taking a bite of my burger. She nods taking another bite of her chicken.

I look out the window and see a dark figure wearing all black. I wipe my eyes and see they disappear. 'W-What?'

"Earth to Y/N?" Jisoo said waving her hand in front of my face. "W-What?" I ask looking back at her. "I'm done." She said wiping her lips with a napkin.

I stood up and held out my hand. "Okay, Let's go." She took my hand and stood up. I paid for the bill and we walked out the door.

"Let's go back home and go to the beach since it's hot." I say holding her hand. "What if people see us?" She said looking up at me. "Just work what we have." I say winking at her.

~Time Skip~

We get back to the house and everyone looks at us. "We're going to the beach. Wanna come?" I ask all the girls getting a hit from Jisoo. "What?" I said looking at the small bean.

"It's supposed to be our date." She said pouting. "I'll just be with you the whole time. Promise." I said putting my hand on her head. She crosses her arms and looks away pouting.

"Don't be like that." I said hugging her. We were having a moment when someone coughed. "Y-Yeah, we'll go." Lisa said. The others nodded and went to their shared rooms.

I went into my room and changed into a black two piece. I put the clothes I was wearing before over it so I'm not exposed.

I walked into the living room to almost get a nose bleed from the sight. All the girls were wearing two pieces while wearing a see through    robe.

"Earth to Y/N?" Jisoo said waving her hand in front of my face. "S-Sorry." I said looking at her. "Yah. Look at me and not them." She said jealously. She took me by the arm and dragged me to the car.

We got to the beach and went to a quiet area with little to few people. Of course though, being an idol isn't easy. A fan came up to us having a mental breakdown.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Calm down." I said holding her shoulder. She just stared at me with her eyes wide and mouth open like she's seen a monster.

"C-Can I get a pi-picture with you guys?" She asked nervously. I look at the manager and she nodded while glaring at the girl.

"Sure." I stood behind the girl and backed hugged her. The others just stood beside her not being extra like me.

"T-Thank you!" She said running off screaming. "Are you going to try to flirt with every girl you see?" Jisoo said crossing her arms. "No. I have you so I'm not." I say clinging onto her. They all take off there robes making them exposed and I stared while drooling.

I took off my clothes making everyone stare at me. "Is there something on me?" I said looking at my body. They all shook their head at the same time and I giggle.

Jisoo smiles and runs too the water taking me with her. I trip and fall like a DUMBAS-

"You okay?" She asks taking out her hand to help me. "Yeah." I say. 'I taste the saltyness.'

I grab her hand and give her a little evil smile before pulling on her hand pulling her down with me. "Yah!" She said sitting up on my lap.

"What~? I did nothing~." I said looking at her cunningly. I didn't even notice that our faces were only millimeters apart. She grabs my neck taking her chance and smashes our lips together.

I was took off guard that I froze. She pulled away looking at me. I knew she wanted more by the way she looked. I put one hand on her waist while my other arm supports us.

She brings our faces closer together once more before our lips connected. She was rough but passionate with our kiss. I pulled away first for air.

We stared at each other before we both giggled. "You're good." She complimented. "Not to bad yourself." I say winking at her. She blushes and laughs.

"Let's go back up." She said pecking me on the lips. She gets up and helps me up. We walk to the sand and sit on the blanket we put down. Everyone else joins us on the blanket and I handed out towel to them.

I wrapped the towel around me covering myself. I'm not 'allowed' to be with the other girls because Jisoo would be mad. We cuddle each other earning death glares from the other members.

We watch the sun slow set, relaxing in the cool wind. But then five male figures comes up to us.

"Hey ladies."

I'm sorry. I've been doing so much research on how to become a k-pop idol Bc I wanna be one when I get older and I've been studying korean and singing. I haven't had the time to write.✌🏻

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