Part 1: A new school, A new life

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"There was once a very powerful high school filled with amazing volleyball skills only to be brought back down after the third years that has graduated. "

"There was a powerful middle school consisting in 6 members or students that was amazing at basketball throughout the years."

"It was Karasuno High School/Teikó Middle School consisting of the Little giant/The Genarations of Miracles"

But what many doesn't know was...that there was a hidden member in the Generations of Miracles


Finally it was time to graduate. Despite going to Shitorizawa Middle School, I wasn't going to Shitorizawa's High School nor any of the High Schools that they went.

Looking around the school for the last time as i savour every moment from this whole year that ive been in. I was going to miss my friends no matter what but for now i had to worry about myself.

For as I am going to the former prodigy high school, Karasuno High School.

And maybe just maybe- actually no i will find Hinata there considering his constant balbbering about them. It was amusing to say the least being Hinata's childhood friend.


As i woke up, i warned myself and set reminders for myself as to not pass by or even be seen by Hinata for the whole year...or not who knows.

As i get to class 1-2, i hear mumblings and talking tho as i get to a random seat, suddenly a voiced speaked up. I faced to look behind me only to see two boys talking

"Tsukki are you joining the volleyball club later on?" A smaller green haired freckled boy said.

"Shut up Yamaguchi" the taller and blonde male said also known as 'Tsukki' for now.

'Yamaguchi' which i assumed to be the freckled green haired boy looked at the blonde and whispered.

"Gomen Tsukki"

Suddenly the bell rang signalling that classes were about to begin. Quickly i took my eyes off the two and waited for my homeroom teacher to appear.


Lunch bell rang and the students dash out to buy their food and i noticed the smaller green haired boy dragging the blonde boy to the cafeteria.

After a quick icebreaker in class, i got to know both of the boys that i had caught talking earlier. It seemed they were childhood friends.

Tsukishima Kei. The taller and blonde male. It seemes like he played sports as i studied his figure.

Yamaguchi Tadashi. The shorter and green haired freckled boy. He appears to play sports as well but he was weaker the Tsukishima.

Once i had finished gatherng my stuff, I sneaked off, still having the mission in mind and walked to the roof.

No one was there as i reached. There was no benches either so i had to sit on the floor which was fine by me. After eating my bento, i went took a volleyball that i had with me and started practising my receives.

After school was over, it was time for club activities. As I walked to the clubroom, passing by the school gym that volleyball players seemed to use.

Only to hear a very very recogniseable voice that i was meaning to hide from the whole school year.

"Y-Y-You!!! Why are you here?!"

And just then i ran to my clubroom immediately as to avoid any interactions.


So y'all Hi. I know i posted like what? A few books and I deleted all of them. Currently I'm hoping to atleast finish this book atleast and probably edit it in the future a year from now. Also some details.

- There are going to be diffrent routes like a genaration of miracles one and a karusono one but you will see what I'm talking about

- Depending on the story, there might be a huge timeskip like completely missing matches details so be warned there's going to be a lot of them

So this is all for now but im also planning on releasing a lot of fusion au stories like this where its a crossover between two animes.

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