Chapter 26 Hey Sanket

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So this is it.

Oh God if I die today please tell my little sister I am sorry for eating her chocolate which later I showed like I'm helping her to find that.

Oh never mind I will tell her that myself.

Oh, joy. Sanket was standing in front of the Starbucks tapping his foot impatiently.I'm so dead.

I got out of my car and went toward him with small steps. You know baby steps.

"Let's go in." He said as I approached him.

I just nodded.

We went in and took a seat next to the window.

"Uhh see how beautiful the weather is," I said smiling nervously.

"Speak." He said. No not said, he demanded.

"UHHH Uhhhhh UHHHHH Ummmmm," I said

"Anne." He threatened.


"DraketookmeoutyesterdayandIspilloutmywholegutsandwekindakissedandnowwearetogether." I said in one breath.

"You told him everything like in everything." He asked.

"Yup," I said

"He won't have any problem." He asked

"Nope," I said

"Cool... But he better not... oh no wait I'll tell him that myself." He said with a smirked.

Okay, now he was staring at someone behind me.

I turned to face with one and only DRAKE HUNTER.

"You were there all the time?" I asked him

"Yup." He said and plopped down near me.

"So Drake Hunter although we are friends, Anne is my BFF or more like sister first. So you better not hurt her or I will kill you in pieces." Sanket said with a serious face which means he was not kidding.

"Uhh, I understand. And don't worry I'll never hurt her." Drake said and my hurt fluttered.

With that Drake pecked my lips.

"Uhh, guys stop your PDA." Sanket scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Drake and I only laughed.

Thank god I'll make it out today I single piece.

Ding. Oh, look a message. Joy.

Ritesh: Oh I see you are with that Drake boy. Hmm seems like you don't want him alive either.

Before I could reply Drake snatched the phone out of my hand.

"Hey give it back," I said

"No," Drake said and read the message.

Okay, now he was furious.

"That Seaweed brain. I'll kill him." Drake said.

"Hey calm down. You can always kill him but first, think of a plan then." Sanket said.

"Yeah I will and he will surely get to know not to mess with my love," Drake said with a smirk.

OH, I see World War 3 is about to start. The history book is ready to add it up to your syllabus and eat up children heads.

"I hope whatever you both are planning is safe. I don't want any of you to end up getting hurt." I said seriously.

"Don't worry love. Ritesh will be the one getting hurt." Drake said and kissed my forehead.

"Let's go," Sanket said.

Drake and Sanket stared at each other and then nodded like they just agreed upon something I don't know.

It better be good.

"Let's go Barbie Doll," Drake said and we left.


Hey Guys. Sorry if you thought i'm dead. But I'm not.

Hope you like the chapter.

Updates may come slow due to school and oh so great exams. You know I love my school so much that I've decided after graduating I'll surely burn it down.

And about exams, why don't ban it? Raise your hands who are with me.

Anyways back to topic,

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