Chapter 27 Competition

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(Ananya's POV)Skip to Ananya's dance competition.....

Ha! Alas, that day came of our dance competition.

If you ask me if I'm nervous or not my answer is no not at all. I mean after going to so many competitions back in India, I've at least this much self-confidence that yes I can easily win this competition.

Brat, Sanket, and Ashley were already in their dance dress, but I've to change after the 1st round. I mean I have got a classical dance first.

I was wearing Kathak Dress with a bun. My makeup was heavy. The makeup artist seriously did miracles on my face. Even I was not able to identify myself at first.

Even I was not able to identify myself at first

 Even I was not able to identify myself at first

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Ananya's DressWe descended toward the stage. I never knew even in Florida, some people were willing to learn classical.

Okay, now the competition starts.

I already talked with Drake in the morning and he was all lovey on me. I mean he was kissing me like there is no tomorrow. And then Sanket had to ruin it. But it's not like I didn't take my revenge. I ruined his image in front of Ashley, telling her one of his childhood tales.I am happy for Sanket. Ashley loves him.

"SO here comes the first participant from Samuel High School....." The announcer announced.So the competition begins. It will be fun.

..After all the dances of stage 1 only mine were left.

I got up and went toward the backstage. Okay, Ananya you can do it.

I took a deep breath and entered the stage.

I danced on the song Shape of You Indian Classical Version. Yes, Indian and Foreign mix.Everyone danced on either complete Indian or complete foreign. But I thought of this as this would be different.

Don't mind the choreography. Just the song 

After I was done everyone clapped vigorously. I hope they like it.

It was the 2nd round. Means Ashley and Sanket will dance. I have 1 round time to change.I changed in my Tango dress. My dress was black and red fury.

 My dress was of black and red furyAnanya's Tango Dress

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My dress was of black and red furyAnanya's Tango Dress

We eventually made it to the 3rd round. We have to win this. Yes, we can do this.

I and Brat made it to the backstage.

"You ready?" He asked

"Yes." I smiled.

"We can do this." He said

"Yes, we can," I said. We nodded and went to stage.

We started dancing in a Spanish song. The dance was choreographed by Ms. Milley so don't ask why Spanish songs.

After our dance, we both were breathing heavily. Our dance was quite energetic.We went and joined our group.

"You guys did very well babies." Ms. Milley said smiling vigorously.

The results were taking time so we just sat and chit chatted. The tension was quite thick in the atmosphere around us.

"So sorry for keeping you guys awaited. The results are out here. It was quite a tough competition between Samuel High School and Colonel High school. The chances were to make a tie-breaker round but our judges saved the time and energies of the participant by decided who is the winner. Now I may call them to get away the prizes." The announcer announced.

It was indeed Samuel High School ones danced like professionals.

"Good Morning. The competition was indeed quite competitive. But here are the results. The third prize goes to Moleten's. Give them a round of applause." The judge no. 1 said.It's not like they didn't tell us their names but I couldn't catch who was who.

"The second prize goes to Linen School." Said the 2nd judge.

We all clapped as they took their prize.

"Now the first prize. The first prize goes to... Goes to.... Colonel High School." Both the judges shouted. We ran toward the stage to get our prize. Genuine smiles can be seen on our faces. I just hoped my parents were still alive and here. How happy they would get right?I miss them. But I'm happy I could fulfill their wish still. I wish Drake was here to see this.

Hey i'm back. So what you think about the chapter. Couldn't think more than this.

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